Such a waste...

The girl who plays Megan is disgustingly beautiful, and a great actress. The guy who plays Ted is hilarious and the rest of the cast is good enough ...the budget is decent, camera work is A+ the sound track is A+....and then the story...I can tell you at the 50 minute mark, not ONE single scary thing has happened. I don't even know what is supposed to be "the threat" it going to be a ghost? A murderer? I have no clue! This had great potential and fell flat. I won't be finishing it. Why? A horror movie that hasn't even TRIED to be scary an hour into the movie is just insulting.


The acting was horrendous and I thought the movie was a drag until it finally started to do something it was just terrible ending too. I was like, what are we watching a weekend at a cabin for fun? This is nothing towards being a horror for scares. There is some blood and gore but tame. Only thing that made it R was the F-bombs and some blood, and tiny bit boob. I rate this one of the worst.

I am a gore watching freak!!!

If it don't have it, it isn't worth the watch.
