The port

It's amazing that even after everything that's happened in this show, Kolbrun and the bald man who is pushing the town to lease its port to Chinese interests are still conspiring to get things done. I wonder if it's possible to get the lease signed now that most of the scheme's key players are dead and what the legal state of the properties surrounding the port are now.



I wondered that, too, but then she didn't call the police after she killed him, when it was pretty clear it was self defense. She knew about the cover up & did nothing, even when she had multiple chances to let it all out. She would probably get a reduced sentence -- a couple of years if that, but I doubt a jury would let her off. She had two cover-ups in her life, the first when she was raped & the self-defense, both times "taken care of" by the Mayor/former police chief.


Marie might be let off. Eirikur will serve some time, but probably get a reduced sentence considering the circumstances.

Formerly sn939


I think the port was a cover for human trafficking by organised criminals.
