What did I just watch

I have seen school projects beter than this movie. The acting is something out of a parallel universe of trash arts. It's as if the perfomers had an orgie, and the director/producer filmed it for their own amusement, just so they can get to play the part or they went with the ed wood route.

"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results" Albert Einstein


Lol at hating a CHEESY LOW-BUDGET HORROR COMEDY because the fcking acting wasn't good. Yeah the acting is sooooo important in that kind of movies.

CG gore is the worst thing that has ever happened to the horror genre.


It's supposed to suggest this kind of thing is real....

You're the dude who thinks it's fake up until the end, and it's actually real....

Oh what a day. What a lovely day!


I totally agree. I just finished watching it and am now left with feelings of anger and regret. I wish writers could be fined for writing such garbage.


I thought the acting was great you know especially the main actor. He's so funny thinking that the game was utterly fake. The plot was one of a kind too but could have been better, I would give it 7/10 if they changed the writer but instead. the plot twist was preeictable and I gave it 3.5/10 so that may be a 4/10 on IMDB.


Agreed, just hope nobody paid to watch this garbage as I couldn't sit through it free!
