MovieChat Forums > Heroes Reborn (2015) Discussion > Nathan/Tommy's Power thoughts

Nathan/Tommy's Power thoughts

Well since we know he's a Petrelli and from what we have seen from the original series and Arthur Petrelli's power, would assume they pretty much have the same power, since Arthur's power was to take other heroes power's and could hold onto the powers he obtained, and we've seen Nathan/Tommy take 2 powers but has only been able to use the last one taken, maybe he just doesn't know he has access to the other power, the same way peter didn't know he could call out the powers he had mimicked, kinda have a feeling he's gonna get hurt and will inadvertently call out the healing power he got from Claire, I know he kinda got hurt in the car accident but I'm meaning like a fatal injury or something like that or since he doesn't use hero's power the same way hero did meaning he has to touch his shoulder to teleport himself maybe he will have to use his hands to heal just a shot in the dark there though, sorry if my thoughts were all over the place was remembering things and new theories were coming to me as i was typing, but anybody have any thoughts


Tommy was injured in the car crash, he wore bandage on his forehead for several episodes, only taking it off after Erica drugged him and tried to spike his neck into the machine.

we see visible cuts and scabs during this time.

He no longer has CLAIRE!s healing/regen.



When they depowered Peter by having his Dad take his powers.Baby Parkman recharged him but he could only absorb and use one power at a time.

"I think I liked it better when I thought Sylar ate brains." -Warriorrenegade


Peter used the formula to get his powers back which wasn't his same exact power, baby parkman jump started heros power, remember he was holding the baby when the swat looking guys busted in and he froze time and realized the baby turned his power back on


Last we knew, Peter could only take one at at time as well. Its a different manifestation of the original power, somehow. Anyways, my real question is, couldn't baby parkman turn back on the regen in Claires corpse, and turn back on Hiro's time travel again?

It seems like Nathan/Tommy has Arthur's "steal" ability and not Peter's "copy" ability, but even after "stolen" it was still able to be restored. I am wondering if the Arthur/Nathan version of the ability is a combination of "Copy" and "Deactivate original."


In any event we need to get Hiro to baby Parkman and maybe he can help him again!!

"I think I liked it better when I thought Sylar ate brains." -Warriorrenegade


Yea I remember seeing his face cut and the bandage I was saying maybe it would only manifest when it was a more serious injury than a cut on his cheek


The writers definitely won't allow him to become a demigod like Peter was, so it's unlikely he can keep more than one power. It seems this is the only thing they actually learned from the parent series.


If that's the case then that's lame, cause if he accidentally takes someone else's power then the previous power would be gone forever, or might be kinda cool if when he took a new power, the power he had at that time went back to the person he took if from originally, and i know what your thinking if that's the case then why didn't claire come back to life when he took hero's power, and all i can think of there is maybe it was because they was in a different time when he took hero's power, which since we haven't really learned the in's and out's of his power yet it's all just speculation and kinda fun guessing


Isn't that the whole reason they're keeping him away from his sister? That once he takes her power she won't have it anymore?

I'm assuming the moment when they save the world it means he takes her power and does it himself or something.

Claire's power was never "coming back to life". In the original series when she had the spike in her head it just sort of kept her in status. She still had the power it just couldn't fully heal her.

She dead.

Reading my signature constitutes admission that I am correct. (Too late)


She did during the eclipse with no powers, then came back when the eclipse ended. If they could reactivate the ability she should still heal. There is a strong chance that the "brain in a jar" in the primatech vault is actually a very dangerous regen, imo.


"Touch and Go Baby", aka Parkman's son, would be at least five or six by now.


She did during the eclipse with no powers, then came back when the eclipse ended. If they could reactivate the ability she should still heal.

except a- she had just "died" moments before the eclipse FINALLY ended, after 16 hours, instead of the usual SIX MINUTES the longest one ever recorded took place. People are regularly revived minutes, and on a few occasions hours after being pronounced dead. It's now been a full year for CLAIRE! and I'm sure Kring doesn't want MRS. DIVA back and causing trouble on set again, esp now that she's married to a professional world champ boxer.

b- "The Eclipse" was the nadir of the original series. so many logic fails, that it sucked the general IQ of Earth down a good ten notches. Even if it does have necessary exposition to explain Sylar's face/heel turns.



What are you referring to as the exposition for Sylar... is that where they start talking about The Hunger (the effects of the intuitive aptitude in driving his need to learn)?

There was so much more to sylar then that.... people seem to forget the ability Angela fed him to allow him to regain touch with humanity, by understanding and experiencing the history of objects he touched. Between that, and imprinting a life time of Nathan (the first)'s family bonds and emotional experiences, Sylar gained a depth that not many viewers got the full scope of.


well angela said she doesn't know which twin the prophecy is about, and from what we have seen with malina's power i would assume its her power that's gonna stop the apocalypse, and if that's the case then what's it matter if she has the power or he has the power as long as it used to stop what's coming, which seen a theory that they might have to combine there powers to stop it, that might be kinda cool wonder twin powers activate lol

Well Claire's power was rapid cellular regeneration and that would mean she could regenerate from death, cause when she had the spike in her head she was dead, she even says something about the spike hitting like her off switch and only when it was removed she came back, just think about all the other times she was testing her power for instance when she kept stepping in front of the train i gotta think a train would have "killed" her but then just regenerated and came back, hell remember when peter went to the future and got sylars power and claire and the others showed up and sylar got shot and caused him to blow up like an A bomb and claire regenerated from that, all I'm trying to say is there was times she did actually die and she regenerated and came back to life


I thought that too. What if the power returns to the original owner when he gets a new one. Seeing as he took Hiro's power not long after Claire died, maybe her power did return and she came back to life. Who knows. She was "dead" for a lot longer the night she got the stick in her head in original Heroes. As soon as her powers returned, after the woman pulled the stick out, she regenerated. She'd have been "powerless" a lot longer then than her death after childbirth.

Who is to say she might not have regenerated as soon as Nathan took Hiro's power! I think it's a good theory.

For all we know, Claire regenerated, and is in hiding, pretending she is still dead.


Yes exactly, i was never very keen on the idea of him losing his power when he took another one, and hell his power really hasn't been tested to see how exactly his main power works, i'm still not convinced that he doesn't retain them, heck at first peter didn't know he was "collecting" these other powers he just knew that when he was around someone with a power he could do what they could it wasn't till he started training with the invisible man that he learned how to call out the other powers he had gotten, and i know what you ppl out there are thinkin and have already said that the writers learned there lesson and wouldn't make him into this all powerful demi god


Peter's newest version of the ability was "one at a time" as well.... if there was a way he was storing them in S4, it was never revealed, even though everyone was speculating. Maybe it happened in S5 or S6 and we just never got to see it... lol. But yeah, there is definitely a precedent for the ability to work that way, so theres no resaon to take a chance with his sister. But yes, Arthur, Gabriel, and OG Peter never had that problem.... but powers manifest differently in different people. Its hard to tell.


yea plus there powers seem to evolve or get stronger, like with matts mind reading first was just able to mind read, then he was able to put thoughts in ppls heads etc, and same with tracy first she could only freeze things then was able to turn herself into water, so I'm thinking that's what would have happened to peter his power would have evolved into being more like his dad's power and would have just stripped a person of there power and hold onto it along with other powers.


I always felt it was personality based; original Peter was a nurse, basically, and cared about everyone, and he collected powers out of thin air. Gabriel was introverted and curious, reserved and disconnected; he had to *understand* the ability intellectually to copy it. Even though he killed the host, it was still a copy (Claire) and when he later learned to emotionally connect with people, he could copy (and keep) without stealing or the one at a time limit. Arthur was greedy and selfish, and his ability stripped the power completely from its host. Its really unknown how each manifestation would have evolved. However, Arthur must have been turning it "off" in a sense, not stealing, or baby parkman couldn't have fixed Hiro. Its unknown how or why the one at a time limit comes into play, other then as a plot device. Remember that Peter's new version of the ability came via formula. It seems's like Nathan/Tommy has a combination of Arthur and Peter's ability. Its a little ironic, since I never believed that Arthur manifested late, but rather, that his ability came from extreme jealousy over Angela and the Company. In my head canon, Arthur, after Vietnam, was one of the original "one of US" members of the Company, teamed with an SG for bagging and tagging purposes, much like Noah, and the formula only exists because of Arthur's jealousy. Along those lines, I would like to believe that his original partner back in those days was one Samson Gray. But, I'm getting off topic here... lol.


I know it's a fantasy show and all but the idea of a power returning to the original owner when he gets a new one doesn't seem at all logical, even in fantasy context.

I think we "know" Claire is dead because HayPay is not coming back to do this show. Never say never I guess, but I can't see Claire ending up alive unless they do some sort of time travel to get a healer present when she gives birth.

Reading my signature constitutes admission that I am correct. (Too late)


yea and didn't really seem logical for baby parkman touch and go baby to be able to reactivate hero's power but he did

he could swap powers, and hero have claire's power but then you say well he had aged, well if you look back at adam monroe who had the same power, he had aged to whatever age he was and died from being shot with the arrows and came back maybe him dying activated his power, and we never actually see what happens to hero just left to assume he died.

and when it comes to a character dying on a show or in a film series writers always say if you didn't see them actually die on on camera then there's still a possibility they might come back.

really don't care if claire comes back she actually got on my nerves towards the end, was just tryin to make a point


If you think about it logically, if his power was to absorb others' powers, rightfully, Hiro should have lost his power when he first held baby Tommy, ultimately erasing any possibility of time travelling at all. So, either his power is more complex than "Touch and Go" or there is a major plot hole.


Some are theorizing he can only take an "active" ability. Not to mention he was a fkg BABY and had NO CONTROL those first few years, much less hours of his life.

CLAIRE!s regen was always "on", as it is a passive power. When her body birthed the kids, it automatically went to work repairing the "damage" of delivery. Tommy's ability manifested at the "birth trauma" and took her regen, causing her to do (re: The Eclipse p2).

With no imminent danger, he had no reason to take Angelas or Hiro's abilities as they handled him. The sudden jolt of teleporting back to 1999, made his body reflex by taking Hiro's abilities. Angela realized this and immediately decided she needed to stay away from him or lose hers, as well as her granddaughter's.

This isn't that hard to understand.



Ah, that makes a lot more sense. Thanks for the clarification. :)


That would be a good theory if the writers hadn't killed it. I would think touching a glowing arm that is about to release a high-temperature thermal blast would be a very dangerous situation that would cause Tomathon's unknown and uncontrolled ability to manifest and take Luke's power to prevent being burned at the very least. They can't even say it was because time was stopped, since he accelerates himself rather than stopping time, which would mean all his powers are still accessible.

If at first you don't succeed, keep trying til you find someone to blame.


If you think about it logically, if his power was to absorb others' powers, rightfully, Hiro should have lost his power when he first held baby Tommy, ultimately erasing any possibility of time travelling at all. So, either his power is more complex than "Touch and Go" or there is a major plot hole.


Everyone assumes that Nathan (aka Tommy) can only hold onto one ability at a time but that's never explicitly stated or even explored in the show. There is a precedence for having absorbed multiple powers and not being able to use them unless you're made aware or taught how (Peter).

It's entirely possible that Tommy literally got a mixture of Arthur and Peters powers. My theory is as follows:

1- Like Arthur Tommy steals powers, not mimics them like Peter.

2- Mosy likely this is done either by touch or said power being used in his vicinity. Which explains Claires death and Hiro not losing his power until he uses it.

3- His sister has to be near him. Which explains why he never accidentally took anyone else's power for 15years.

4- Because no one has the exact same power the exact same way I'm guessing that when Tommy does get a new power it shapes to him specifically. Hence why Hiro and Tommy's powers are different, and could explain why his power is so much stronger than Hiros in some cases.

5- Lastly I believe Tommy keeps all abilities he absorbs but can only access one at a time. Peter was able to use multiple abilities at the same time, Arthur could only use a single ability at a time (until he takes Peters power) so it makes sense to split the difference.

With it being necessary for Malina to be nearby when he absorbs a power it puts a nice leash on him, thus making him not nearly so OP. Meanwhile I believe Malin a got a combination of her relatives power (weather manipulation) but also her mothere but more powerful (she brings a field of butterflies back to life). Where Claires power was internal, Malinas is external.

But this is just my theory
