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Plotholes and annoying things (contains spoilers)

Just figured I'd make a list of plotholes and annoying things about H:R

Some of it might have been me not paying attention, but feel free to correct any errors or add to the list. If nothing else, maybe Tim Kring can read it and see what not to do next time.

1. Hiro was dying from a tumour last season of Heroes (casued by his timetravel) . Yet he kept on for 15 years without treatment.

2. "Tommy" had his memory deleted by Caspar, yet he remembered the room he visited at Primatech.

3. HRG keep using the name Tommy. Even though he knows his name is Nathan, even more annoying is that he keeps using the name Tommy when talking to Malina, who only knows him as Nathan. Dumb writing.

4. The whole point of keeping Malina and Nathan apart was so that he wouldn't take her powers, yet they have met and she kept her powers. (also since they shared a womb, it should be clear that he couldn't take her powers)

5. Nathan's power is actually to take other evo's power, yet it doesn't make any sence how he does it. He clearly can do it without it being a conscious decision, since he took Clair's and Hiro's as an infant. But how? Was it by touch, or simply by comming close to an evo? Since he was both close to Angela and touched Molly without getting their powers.

6. Angela ages 15 years and then goes back to looking oung when taking Malina to High School.

7. Angela tells her grandkids to find a clocktower, yet most of the series the kids are looking for eachother instead of just meeting up at the clocktower.

8. Angela knows that the kids need a conduit to channel their powers. Yet she never mentioned this.

9. The "conduit" need to be a willing sacrifice... Yet that poor lab tec wasn't willing. So clearly it would work with anyone. Why not use Quintin or Erica that they had easy access to?

10. Erica kept Michah on a wooden chair in a glass cage... Without food or water?
10.1. Michah should not look look as fit as he was.
10.2 Be covered in his own pi55 and *beep*
10.3 Not be able to walk due to the wounds on his ass from sitting so long.

11. Carlos broke the glass cage to get Michah... when his nefew is an evo that could have taken Micha through the glass and saved them a lot of time.

12. Matt didn't trust Erica and had to drive to gateway with Taylor for some stunt. Why didn't he just read Erica's mind? Or even better, take control of her and make her bring him.

13. Taylor has never asked her mom about her dad. Really?

14. Harris can make copies of him just by cutting odd limbs, but how do they create clothes? guns? etc?

15. Haitian got shot..but then is alive..No explanation.

There is probably more, but I just can't be bothered right now. Looking back I don't know why I watched this show. It was so badly written and really just killed the legacy of Heroes.

X ~We are the people our parents warned us about


It was clear from about 10 minutes in that this thing was full of holes you could drive a bus through. No different than the original heroes in that regard. If you watch it expecting it to logically check out and make sense then you're in for a disappointment.
As a vehicle for good looking escapist drama with a massive special effects budget, it's eminently watchable however.

Go on Stanley, stick one in Jane Russell & win a goldfish.


a massive special effects budget
What did they do with all the money they didn't spend on the show?


Hiro was dying from a tumour last season of Heroes (casued by his timetravel) . Yet he kept on for 15 years without treatment

Hiro had an operation to remove the tumour in season 4 of Heroes. I cant remember the exact episode but its where he meets the old Charlie (a direct result of him leaving her in the past).

"Tommy" had his memory deleted by Caspar, yet he remembered the room he visited at Primatech.

I interpreted that as him trying to "loose" Luke and Joanne, as in get rid of them, and his power sent them to a place that Tommy was lost in - the room at primatech. He then teleported to them and remembered the room - im guessing!

The whole point of keeping Malina and Nathan apart was so that he wouldn't take her powers, yet they have met and she kept her powers. (also since they shared a womb, it should be clear that he couldn't take her powers)

Yes i thought she would be immune to his powers too. Nathan came into contact with many Evo's and didnt absorb their powers, im guessing that it was an accident absorbing Claire and then Hiro's powers, Hiro may have then taught Nathan to have control over his power during the 16 years they had together (still doesnt explain Nathan NOT absorbing Angela's powers)

Nathan's power is actually to take other evo's power, yet it doesn't make any sence how he does it. He clearly can do it without it being a conscious decision, since he took Clair's and Hiro's as an infant. But how? Was it by touch, or simply by comming close to an evo? Since he was both close to Angela and touched Molly without getting their powers.

Im guessing Claire and Hiro were accidents, as he didnt have control over his power, Malina probably has an immunity to it (as they are twins). Arthur had to make physical contact to steal a power, while Peters original power meant he only had to be around an Evo to copy it, im guessing Nathan has a similar effect, maybe he only takes in powers that make him stronger? Angela's power would be useful, but maybe thats why he didnt absorb it. Or he cant copy a power until he has finished using the last one? or he has to keep each power for a small while? he was a baby absorbing Claire's power, but he could have had it for months in the womb, then absorbed Hiro's and was unable to absor Angela's because he had only just taken Hiro's.

Carlos broke the glass cage to get Michah... when his nefew is an evo that could have taken Micha through the glass and saved them a lot of time.

I thought the exact same thing. Carlos had to punch several times (wasting time and energy, not to mention alerting guards nearby) when his nephew could have just walked in, unplugged micah and walked out with him.

Haitian got shot..but then is alive..No explanation.

The Haiten was accidentally killed by Noah, in the altered timeline, Noah didnt kill the Haiten, and that why he is alive.


1. Hiro was dying from a tumour last season of Heroes (casued by his timetravel) . Yet he kept on for 15 years without treatment.

If I remember correctly, he had his tumor removed. And based on his actions in Reborn, he seems to have not used his power much in the past 5 years, so the chances of another tumor growing aren't as high.

2. "Tommy" had his memory deleted by Caspar, yet he remembered the room he visited at Primatech.

He had his memories of his abilities, his destiny, and other relevant stuff removed. It's not like he was an empty shell just walking around knowing absolutely nothing for the past year. The memory of the room wasn't even clear to him, it was just a bad, vague memory. Either something Caspar missed or he didn't register it as being relevant.

3. HRG keep using the name Tommy. Even though he knows his name is Nathan, even more annoying is that he keeps using the name Tommy when talking to Malina, who only knows him as Nathan. Dumb writing.

Someone definitely dropped the ball there.

4. The whole point of keeping Malina and Nathan apart was so that he wouldn't take her powers, yet they have met and she kept her powers. (also since they shared a womb, it should be clear that he couldn't take her powers)

1. That was an assumption by 2014 Angela right after they traveled back. She may have had clearer dreams subsequently that led her to realize the twins' true purpose.

2. Malina may not have developed her powers in the womb, so there were no powers to steal.

5. Nathan's power is actually to take other evo's power, yet it doesn't make any sence how he does it. He clearly can do it without it being a conscious decision, since he took Clair's and Hiro's as an infant. But how? Was it by touch, or simply by comming close to an evo? Since he was both close to Angela and touched Molly without getting their powers.

Since they have super-twin-energy-beam powers, maybe he could only steal powers when in close proximity to his sister. There wasn't much explained about the nature of his power.

6. Angela ages 15 years and then goes back to looking oung when taking Malina to High School.

Makeup, cosmetic surgery, hair dye, or maybe just connections to an Evo with abilities that could help her.

7. Angela tells her grandkids to find a clocktower, yet most of the series the kids are looking for eachother instead of just meeting up at the clocktower.

Well, if they find each other they can get to the clocktower together at the right time. It beats showing up at the clocktower a week early and risking Erica finding/killing them (Malina specifically, since Nathan could just pop out of there.)

8. Angela knows that the kids need a conduit to channel their powers. Yet she never mentioned this.

She said there was something about their destiny that she didn't have the heart to tell Malina, and even if it wasn't her grandfather being sacrificed as the conduit, it could've effected Malina knowing someone had to die. Maybe telling them about the conduit would've thrown events off track, and it was something she knew Nathan would figure out and implement at the right time.

9. The "conduit" need to be a willing sacrifice... Yet that poor lab tec wasn't willing. So clearly it would work with anyone. Why not use Quintin or Erica that they had easy access to?

Did you notice how the guy collapsed after about 5 seconds? Unless you're suggesting Nathan teleported a ton of unwilling people there and just kept switching them out every few seconds, racking up the body count to keep the energy stream constant for a long enough time to protect the Earth.

10. Erica kept Michah on a wooden chair in a glass cage... Without food or water?
10.1. Michah should not look look as fit as he was.
10.2 Be covered in his own pi55 and *beep*
10.3 Not be able to walk due to the wounds on his ass from sitting so long.

We saw him twice, for about a minute or two each time. There's no reason to assume the Sunstone Manor staff weren't handling his needs to keep him alive.

11. Carlos broke the glass cage to get Michah... when his nefew is an evo that could have taken Micha through the glass and saved them a lot of time.

Real missed opportunity. I also thought the kid was going to step up and be a hero like his father and uncle, using his ability to go through the glass and rescue Micah. But they just went with the "Carlos smash!" approach.

12. Matt didn't trust Erica and had to drive to gateway with Taylor for some stunt. Why didn't he just read Erica's mind? Or even better, take control of her and make her bring him.

Matt's kind of a dick, so I think it was mostly about hurting Erica for lying to him. But there's also the possibility of Erica having Phoebe or maybe she digitized another Evo's power-blocking ability, so he couldn't go in entirely relying on his telepathy. Taking her daughter hostage is an extra layer of security.

13. Taylor has never asked her mom about her dad. Really?

What makes you think she never asked? Erica probably didn't tell her, or made something up.

14. Harris can make copies of him just by cutting odd limbs, but how do they create clothes? guns? etc?

They turn into dust when they're killed, so their bodies, clothes, guns, etc. are all made of that dust.

15. Haitian got shot..but then is alive..No explanation.

The timeline was presumably changed when they went back in time and Noah shot 2014 Erica. So Noah might not have shot him in this timeline. It's also possible that the scene as we saw it was staged for Noah's benefit, and that wasn't actually the Haitian, and he didn't actually get shot. The Haitian did have a shapeshifter working for him, after all.


NOW who needs to consult a real medical source? kettle, pot.
also, these questions have all been asked and answered numerous times since they occurred.

1. Hiro's tumor was operated on in s4, "Pass/Fail".

2. Caspar only removed the memory of HIRO, nothing else. "full clean slate" everybody assumes happened would have left N2/Tommy a vegetable.

3. KISS for the viewers. how many know who "Gabriel" is?

4. or, y'know, keep the UNTRAINED BABY away from reflexively stealing a(nother) power that will be needed years later.

5. again, infant reflex. his power was active literally at birth, stealing CLAIRE!s regen, killing her. Hours later, he gets startled jumping back in time 15 years, reflex kicks in again and he takes Hiro's power. Since the finale CONFIRMS the elder Angela continued to keep an eye on her grandson AND operate within Primatech's resources, the first task is to make sure Hiro has trained Nathan2/Tommy n the control of his ability. even before potty training.

6. Women color their hair all the time. from 1999 up until June 2014, there were TWO Angelas running around, and the easiest "disguise" for an older lady is not to color her hair. Once she knew her younger self departed, then make a hair stylist appointment. end of story.

7. NOT a plot hole.
8. this is a retcon.
9. this is $#itty writing
10. common occurrence to "long term captivity" scenes aka $#itty writing
11. see #9

12. someone else noted she may have been smart enough to never come physically close to Matt, knowing he could read her mind. Simple enough to have her use proxies or video chat to convince him she knew what she was doing.
up until the finale, my theory was she was a "persuader" like Eden in s1.

13. maybe she did, and was told a cover story about a drunken boyfriend who abandoned her. This series made it clear on this pint they had an estranged relationship so it's not like they really had too many opportunities to have them rehash an old argument like this. hell, my niece knows her mother had (at least) three potential fathers, ruled out in order for: Timing, blood test, and stat rape of another girl. so he's simply referred to as "sperm donor".

14. re #9
15. butterfly effect after "June 13". Noah did not confront him and/or H was never ordered to kill Noah. or H staged the whole thing with a shapeshifter or psychic projection. again see #9

FU Kring


Butthurt much?
The effects of the tumour would still be part of him. Hiros tumour was brought on by his timetravel, he was told that leaping through time would kill him. Even when the tumour was removed, his giant leap over 16 years (1+15) would have caused the same problem, and he would most likely not lived for all that time in the past.

Caspar removed Nathans past; Hiro, his name, his destiny, so that room would not have been part of his memories. If he remembered the room, he should have also remembered Malina.

I'm going to say that 3-12 is *beep* writing all together.

I totally agree that there could have been a point in time where Taylor asked, but we are not privy to that information. So I would have liked to see a line where they mentioned something like it. There was so much talk about non relevant thing like cars and flowers, so a line that goes "My grandfather helped raise me, my mom told me that my father left us before i was born." or some BS like that wouldn't have stolen much screentime.

X ~We are the people our parents warned us about


Out of the 15 supposed "plotholes" that you pointed out, only 2 of them were potentially plotholes.

I often times run into posters that don't seem to understand the concept of a plothole. A plothole are illogical or impossible events, and statements or events that contradict earlier events in the storyline.

A lot of what you said would classify as a plothole, if they weren't addressed at one point or another.

1. Hiro's tumor was treated and removed in the first series. As others have already pointed out.

2. Tommy/Nathan had only his memories of Hiro and his destiny removed. It was done to prevent him from going back to rescue Hiro. Tommy had nightmares about the room in Primatect because there were still remnants of those memories left. He had no clarity of that room or why he was there.

3. While Nathan is Tommy's real name, it's also true that Tommy's memories of him being aware of that name were removed. His mother and Casper I'm sure filled Noah in on the situation, when they were at the hospital, which is likely why he started using Tommy. Also, you make it sound like Noah knew Tommy for more than a couple of days. lol. Both names were fairly new to him, and thus he used Tommy since that was the name he went by at that point.

4-5. It was never established how Nathan actually absorbed powers. He could've just as easily absorbed them reflectively as a child. So I don't see why you are concluding with absolute certainty that his powers are automatic. Angela compared his powers to both Peter and Arthur's. So it's also possible that his powers work with conscious effort, like his great grandfather's.

6. Angela appearing younger than she should be is either a plothole or an unresolved plot. Since it is not impossible for someone to look younger in this series. And for a character like Angela, who has nearly unlimited resources, it's not impossible for her to find some way to reverse her age.

7-8. Angela's actions depend on her visions of the future, which are based in fate. Whatever we see her attempting with the kids in Primatech likely happened in a vision. Her keeping them apart originally had to do with Tommy's initially stealing powers. She also knew from her visions that she had to keep them apart, and that they would come together to stop the HELE.

9. The burst was nowhere near as powerful as the one Noah was able to channel, which covered the whole planet. It also lasted far longer. I didn't realize this before, but
that is why Noah was needed for this particular instance. Maybe it has something to do with willpower and determination. Quentin or Erica may have not been strong enough to do this.

10. Micah wasn't with Renautis for that long. He was captured at the end of the webseries, which meant he only spent a week(if that long) or two in that situation. Not to mention, there were people there that were responsible for maintaining his health. Who knows, there possibly could've been EVOs at work to do this as well.

11. Carlos wasn't aware of his nephews powers at that point. Just that he was an EVO. Remember, he only had showed his powers to the Priest. Not to mention, Carlos wanted him to hide while they were freeing Micah, since they were still open to an attack.

12. Matt was smart to do this, use Taylor as a captive, since there was a chance the Shadow/Phoebe could've been there to neutralize his powers. This also came in handy when Rene tried to neutralize his powers as well.

13. Taylor not asking her mother about her father isn't a plot hole. Not to mention, she may have did at one point, only for Erica to lie about it.

14. Harris' clones are not real/full/complete physical copies of himself since they turn into dust when they're killed. The clones copy whatever he has on(excluding his watch). Not a plothole since it has remained consistent throughout the series.

15. The Haitian/Rene was a butterfly after Noah time traveled on June 13th. Rene was originally the person that wiped his memories, but Noah convinced his past self not to contact him. Thus Rene was never involved with covering up Noah's secret about the twins, and had no reason to try an kill him when they met.


9. The burst was nowhere near as powerful as the one Noah was able to channel, which covered the whole planet. It also lasted far longer. I didn't realize this before, but
that is why Noah was needed for this particular instance. Maybe it has something to do with willpower and determination. Quentin or Erica may have not been strong enough to do this.

The burst was stronger because the twins were older and had better control of their powers.


The burst was stronger because the twins were older and had better control of their powers.

Where was that stated?


Where was that stated?

I hope you're joking. From the start it showed Malina being raised and trained in her power. Nathan was trained, though he had his memory erased.

Do you not remember Malina being brought near the Arctic Circle so she could try to push back the Aurora Borealis and asking if she was ready yet? Before she joined with Nathan for the final flare, she was pushing back with all her might; do you think that she could have done that when she was a child?

The burst was stronger because the twins were older and had better control of their powers. It's made very clear in the series.


I hope you're joking. From the start it showed Malina being raised and trained in her power. Nathan was trained, though he had his memory erased.

Do you not remember Malina being brought near the Arctic Circle so she could try to push back the Aurora Borealis and asking if she was ready yet? Before she joined with Nathan for the final flare, she was pushing back with all her might; do you think that she could have done that when she was a child?

The burst was stronger because the twins were older and had better control of their powers. It's made very clear in the series.

No, I wasn't joking.

Your assertion is only a possibility, not a fact. "Something being made very clear" would've been someone actually stating that their age was the reason the burst was stronger in that instance, but just like I don't have concrete evidence for my assertion, neither do you. You replied to my post stating as if what you were asserting was a fact, which was why I asked you where it was stated.

Also, despite the burst being much more powerful, it still didn't instantly kill Noah like it did the scientist. Which suggest the host/conduit was stronger.

Tommy and Malina had no training with a conduit. So assuming and then concluding that simply because the twins were older, and therefore were much stronger, doesn't automatically mean(as a matter of fact) that this was why the burst was stronger and could help the host survive longer. That was never stated by Angela, Tommy, Noah or Malina. You concluded that on your own.


I often times run into posters that don't seem to understand the concept of a plothole. A plothole are illogical or impossible events, and statements or events that contradict earlier events in the storyline.

99% of the original run had people complaining "PLOTHOLE!!" that turned out to be $#it they weren't paying attention to.

this series seems to be mostly: Harris' clothes, the ripple effects of the time travelling in "June 13", and Angela's hair.
(HELLO?? HAIR DYE! this should not even be a question when neon colors are old hat even in rural areas!!!)

FU Kring


99% of the original run had people complaining "PLOTHOLE!!" that turned out to be $#it they weren't paying attention to.

this series seems to be mostly: Harris' clothes, the ripple effects of the time travelling in "June 13", and Angela's hair.
(HELLO?? HAIR DYE! this should not even be a question when neon colors are old hat even in rural areas!!!)

I deal with it quite often on other boards, so it's not surprising at this point.

Also, great point about the Hair dye, especially when we consider the fact that all they did for the aged Angela in the first place was throw a wig on her. lol


I often times run into posters that don't seem to understand the concept of a plothole. A plothole are illogical or impossible events, and statements or events that contradict earlier events in the storyline.

I often times run into posters that don't seem to be able to read properly. As the post is titeled "Plotholes and annoying things", as not all of them are plotholes, but they are "annoying thinngs".

1. Hiros tumour was brought on by his timetravel, he was told that leaping through time would kill him. Even in the tumour was removed, his leap over 16 years (1+15) would have caused the same problem, and he would most likely not lived for all that time in the past.

2. Caspar removed Nathans memory and name. As he pointed out he couldn't single out a memory, he needed to remove all. So if He had no memory of his past, his destiny, Hiro och his name, that room should not be part of his active memories.

3. My complaint is that he used the name Tommy while talking to Malina, she wouldn't know him by that name. It's really bad writing.

4-5 & 7. It's that lack of explaining that was annoying. The fact that he could steal powers as an infast would cause him do to the same as he had his memory wiped since he didn't remember how to use them.

6. Agree, it just seemed like lazy writing. Why would Angela go on all that time looking different (like to hide from herself) but them change all of that for no reason.

9. Valid theory, but not explained. Therefore annoying lazy writing.

10. Micha stated that he had been there all along so that Erica could control the media. Maybe I didn't catch that correctly, but if I did it would mean a year. To keep him on a chair like that was just so dumb. They should have had him hooked up to a bunch of things but tied to a bed.

11. Yes he was. Carlos just saw him walk through a wall less than 5 minutes before that.

12. It's an annoying thing, that fact that the twist of Erica being raped explained a lot about her actions. So It really wouldn't have killed them to add a line about Taylor like "I grew up with my mother, my father left us before I was born." Since she had no memories of the murder.

13. Hi suit was cloned, but not his watch. Why was that? So what about weapons? If they were dust then so would the bullets.. How far can they travel before they stop being a part of him? Would they also stop existing as he dies? If someone got shot, and he dies after that, will there be no bullet in the wound? If prime picked up an RPG and created a clone, will they also have one? His powers really needed som explaining.

X ~We are the people our parents warned us about


I often times run into posters that don't seem to be able to read properly. As the post is titeled "Plotholes and annoying things", as not all of them are plotholes, but they are "annoying thinngs".

I read it loud and clear. For one thing, you didn't specify which were plotholes and which were annoying things, and as I pointed out, a large majority(if not all of them) were not plotholes.

1. Hiros tumour was brought on by his timetravel, he was told that leaping through time would kill him. Even in the tumour was removed, his leap over 16 years (1+15) would have caused the same problem, and he would most likely not lived for all that time in the past.

That was never stated, so you're concluding this with something that wasn't based on any concrete evidence. We only know that his powers were having a direct effect on the tumor, but the cause of the tumor was never made clear. Charlie developed a blood clot that was directly being effected by her powers and she never developed it again after Sylar removed it despite reaching the age of 85.

Also, future timeline Hiros never devloped this tumor either. So I'm assuming this may have had something to do with Matt Parkman Jr. reactivating his powers. Furthurmore, tumors can be removed and then made to where they cannot return.

2. Caspar removed Nathans memory and name. As he pointed out he couldn't single out a memory, he needed to remove all. So if He had no memory of his past, his destiny, Hiro och his name, that room should not be part of his active memories.

He didn't remove all of his memories, and he never said that he could only remove all memories or none at all. His point was that he would've needed to remove all Tommy's memories of Hiro in order to prevent him from trying to go back and save him. He also pointed out that Tommy would only remember his mother, which indicates he's removing Tommy's memories of Hiro. Tommy could clearly remember his mother after Casper did this, so his memories were targeted at specific ones.

Also, as I stated, his memories of that room were very vague, and only came to the surface in nightmares. These were only remnants of those memories. Not to mention, I believe it was the Haitian that removed those memories anyway, not Casper.

3. My complaint is that he used the name Tommy while talking to Malina, she wouldn't know him by that name. It's really bad writing.

No it's not. You make it sound like Malina knew who Tommy was. All she had was a picture of him, but she never gave any indication that she knew his name. Also, Noah spent plenty of time with Malina off screen, which meant he would've been able to fill in the blanks to her.

It's that lack of explaining that was annoying. The fact that he could steal powers as an infast would cause him do to the same as he had his memory wiped since he didn't remember how to use them.

It wasn't really something that was explored in depth in the show. He had the power to steal, but that didn't come into play at any point in the present for it to warrant such an explanation.

Agree, it just seemed like lazy writing. Why would Angela go on all that time looking different (like to hide from herself) but them change all of that for no reason.

Because she was back in her present. The present Angela always goes back to 1999, which meant those two(past and present) exist within the same timeline until June 13th 2014.

Valid theory, but not explained. Therefore annoying lazy writing.

Everything doesn't need to be explained in such detail. Conclusions can be formed when there's enough evidence present to conclude it. This isn't a book after all, but a tv show.

Micha stated that he had been there all along so that Erica could control the media. Maybe I didn't catch that correctly, but if I did it would mean a year. To keep him on a chair like that was just so dumb. They should have had him hooked up to a bunch of things but tied to a bed.

He wasn't there that long. As I just pointed out evidence of him being captured in Dark Matters, which ended well after June 13th and right at the moment Quentin finds Noah(which is the beginning of the main series).

Erica used way more than just Micah to control the media. She used shapeshifters and Evo disasters to divert their attention from the real threat.

Yes he was. Carlos just saw him walk through a wall less than 5 minutes before that.

Actually, Carlos nor Farah actually saw him phase through the wall. They turned around and he was there. He didn't actually show his abilities to Carlos until he phased the bullet out of Farah.

It's an annoying thing, that fact that the twist of Erica being raped explained a lot about her actions. So It really wouldn't have killed them to add a line about Taylor like "I grew up with my mother, my father left us before I was born." Since she had no memories of the murder.

That's fair.

Hi suit was cloned, but not his watch. Why was that? So what about weapons? If they were dust then so would the bullets..

It was never made clear why the watch was never duplicated, just that only the Prime wore it. Perhaps it was made out of an alloy that his clones couldn't duplicate.

As for weapons, he could clones guns and bombs, and yes, those would turn to dust when they were destroyed as well.

How far can they travel before they stop being a part of him?

One of the clones were stationed in Japan while another was in the North Pole. I don't think there is a limit to how far they can travel.

Would they also stop existing as he dies? If someone got shot, and he dies after that, will there be no bullet in the wound? If prime picked up an RPG and created a clone, will they also have one? His powers really needed som explaining.

The clones all died after Miko cut off the head of the Prime Harris. So yes, they all turn to dust when the original dies.


It was never made clear why the watch was never duplicated, just that only the Prime wore it. Perhaps it was made out of an alloy that his clones couldn't duplicate.

Seriously? I have seen several posts where people talk about the watch not being copied. The very first cloning we saw was from Prime having his LEFT FOREARM ABOVE THE WATCH CUT OFF. THAT is why it was not duplicated, because it was already ON the clone. The clones recreate what is missing from the whole, using the cut as a beginning point. There would be no reason for that clone to replicate anything on that forearm since it already existed.

He didn't remove all of his memories, and he never said that he could only remove all memories or none at all. His point was that he would've needed to remove all Tommy's memories of Hiro in order to prevent him from trying to go back and save him. He also pointed out that Tommy would only remember his mother, which indicates he's removing Tommy's memories of Hiro. Tommy could clearly remember his mother after Casper did this, so his memories were targeted at specific ones.

Also, as I stated, his memories of that room were very vague, and only came to the surface in nightmares. These were only remnants of those memories. Not to mention, I believe it was the Haitian that removed those memories anyway, not Casper.

Rene removed Tomathon's memories of the facility (following Angela's orders). Caspar, by his own words, removed ALL of Tomathon's episodic memory not dealing directly with ONLY his "mother", including his name. Caspar didn't use that exact phrasing, but he did say something along the lines of, "I'll have to take everything but you." This also fits since it was not implied that Tomathon was home-schooled, which means he should have friends who would have referenced his parents, not just his mother, which would require Caspar to take those memories as well. With all this memory erasing, Tomathon should have no memory at all of that room, even in the form of nightmares, since there would be no memory for the nightmare to form from. He would also lose all his memories of the home he spent 15 years in, since they would have included Hiro (even if only in pictures). I can see only one way he would have remembered that room...if his mother had been in the room with only him at one point...which would have also helped prevent that from becoming a nightmare scenario if Rene had let him keep any memories of the facility.

If at first you don't succeed, keep trying til you find someone to blame.


Seriously? I have seen several posts where people talk about the watch not being copied. The very first cloning we saw was from Prime having his LEFT FOREARM ABOVE THE WATCH CUT OFF. THAT is why it was not duplicated, because it was already ON the clone. The clones recreate what is missing from the whole, using the cut as a beginning point. There would be no reason for that clone to replicate anything on that forearm since it already existed.

The prime was shown on screen several times cutting off his fingers, and yet the clones clearly still didn't have the watch of the Prime Harris. They absolutely could not clone the watch. The producers even pointed out that only the Prime Harris wears the watch.

Rene removed Tomathon's memories of the facility (following Angela's orders).

I said that. Remnants of Rene's victims memories have proven to still exist somewhere within the consciousness(as proven in the first series with Matt Parkman and Ted). Especially traumatic ones.

Caspar, by his own words, removed ALL of Tomathon's episodic memory not dealing directly with ONLY his "mother", including his name. Caspar didn't use that exact phrasing, but he did say something along the lines of, "I'll have to take everything but you." This also fits since it was not implied that Tomathon was home-schooled, which means he should have friends who would have referenced his parents, not just his mother, which would require Caspar to take those memories as well.

With all this memory erasing, Tomathon should have no memory at all of that room, even in the form of nightmares, since there would be no memory for the nightmare to form from. He would also lose all his memories of the home he spent 15 years in, since they would have included Hiro (even if only in pictures). I can see only one way he would have remembered that room...if his mother had been in the room with only him at one point...which would have also helped prevent that from becoming a nightmare scenario if Rene had let him keep any memories of the facility.

Casper removed all of his memories related to Hiro and his destiny. Remnants of a memory that wasn't suppose to be there wouldn't be effected, since it isn't related to anything that he was removing in the first place.

Two different people working on the same person's memories would likely do that to a person.


15. The Haitian/Rene was a butterfly after Noah time traveled on June 13th. Rene was originally the person that wiped his memories, but Noah convinced his past self not to contact him. Thus Rene was never involved with covering up Noah's secret about the twins, and had no reason to try an kill him when they met.

I've seen this a couple of times, however, we at no point in this series see the "real" timeline. Both Tommy and Melina are a part of the story from the beginning, BEFORE Noah time travels, plus the guy searching for his sister teamed up with Noah before the time travel. Therefore, we do not see any actual butterflies due to this time travel. We are NEVER seeing the original timeline because in the original timeline, Melina and Tommy wouldn't be teenagers, because they wouldn't have been sent to the past. Plus, the guy looking for his sister wouldn't have made the deal with Erica, so therefore no teaming up with Noah to keep tabs on him in order to betray him......So yes, that would be a POSSIBLE plot hole......there could be an explanation, but time travel shouldn't be the reason.....


I've seen this a couple of times, however, we at no point in this series see the "real" timeline. Both Tommy and Melina are a part of the story from the beginning, BEFORE Noah time travels, plus the guy searching for his sister teamed up with Noah before the time travel. Therefore, we do not see any actual butterflies due to this time travel. We are NEVER seeing the original timeline because in the original timeline, Melina and Tommy wouldn't be teenagers, because they wouldn't have been sent to the past. Plus, the guy looking for his sister wouldn't have made the deal with Erica, so therefore no teaming up with Noah to keep tabs on him in order to betray him......So yes, that would be a POSSIBLE plot hole......there could be an explanation, but time travel shouldn't be the reason.....

I was also one of the people that pointed out how there was really nothing to stop us from concluding that it was simply a repeat of events that already occurred in the original timeline; however, the producers confirmed that both Quentin and Rene were both butterflies that occurred on June 13th thanks to the time travel in the current timeline that we see unfolding throughout the first half of the series.

So I believe what we were seeing unfold in the first half of the series is the consequence of Noah going back the very first time(in the original timeline) and sending the twins back to 1999. He wasn't able to keep the time loop in tact because of what occurred after he changed the past in the original timeline. It caused him to go back and shoot Erica and stop himself from contacting Rene.


I had similar questions. However:

4. The whole point of keeping Malina and Nathan apart was so that he wouldn't take her powers, yet they have met and she kept her powers. (also since they shared a womb, it should be clear that he couldn't take her powers)

The twins actually shared Claire's womb and Claire's powers were taken away, so…

10. Erica kept Michah on a wooden chair in a glass cage... Without food or water?

I'm sure he was fed (as far as fictional characters go). We just didn't need to see it.

If vampires hate "plus signs" - imagine how they feel about the "square root" symbol.


1. In the Pass/Fail episode, where Hiro "dies", and goes to Death court, he also get healed by his mother.
