MovieChat Forums > Heroes Reborn (2015) Discussion > Am I the only one who didn't think this ...

Am I the only one who didn't think this show was awful?

All the reviews I've read about "Heroes Reborn" have been pretty bad. Yes, there were a few plot holes here and there and there were a few characters I didn't particularly care for, but overall I thought the show was great and I quite enjoyed it. I hope there are a few people who feel the same way because I hope I'm not the only one.


You're not the only one. I feel the same way.

The only thing I'm really disappointed about is that there was never any information given about the fates of Peter and Sylar. I was totally cool with them not being a part of the show, but I just wish we knew what ever happened to them.


My only hope is that it continues and has flashbacks or something that explains what happened to the others. I think people who didn't like it have a smaller imagination. The finale certainly left it wide open.....


It was ok. But that ending was terrible.


I liked it, I'm disappointed it won't be picked up. I wish they hadn't killed off so many of the originals though.


I loved it, just as much as the original. Heroes' weakness always seemed to be that they were afraid to kill anyone off, but they seemed to grow out of this refusal with the reboot.


It had the potential to be a great show and to start with the quality of the old show's first season. But very early on it got pointless.

Hanging the fate of the earth over the characters before really establishing any of them sucked the drama out of it immediatly. Why should I care about several sets of characters shown for a few seconds every episode, when the real challenge happens somewhere else? And why does it get revealed in such an unmotivated way, which does not follow the point of view of the heroes? That would have been mystery 101.

Writing scenes in a sloppy way, which makes one wonder why the people don't use their own powers in an efficient way or make it unclear what the limits of the powers are, prevented any tension from happening: If someone was supposed to die, he simply was slower than the bullet in using his power, if not he was faster. Yawn.

All this added to the disappointment. A show with less potential executed in that way probably would have gone through as "okayish". But this could have been so much better, that the result simply has become embarrassing.


Yeah, I enjoyed it pretty much, don't know where all the hate comes from. Really hope there will be next Volume soon.


I liked it a lot. Much of the hate seems to come from people expecting it to be the next season of Heroes.


It wasn't brilliant but I enjoyed it well enough, for the most part. Obviously, certain actors weren't coming back, either by choice or other commitments, so I never expected a direct continuation from the end of season four. However, I too think the show would have benefited from some expositional writing to explain the fates of more survivors of the original series. Peter and Sylar are the two most obvious but I also always wondered about Ali Larter's character; based on her aquatic form shifting ability, I always thought she should have survived saving Claire and Noah from the buried trailer but it was never addressed. I suppose we can assume the pooling water we saw could be a visual metaphor for blood and believe her dead....however, I think Ali is recently out of work so perhaps she could come back if this gets picked up elsewhere. That would be cool because, to get back on topic, I fully enjoyed this enough to watch more, if it were to happen.


However, I too think the show would have benefited from some expositional writing to explain the fates of more survivors of the original series. Peter and Sylar are the two most obvious

Maybe they didn't tell because they hope that if the show gets second season, maybe one of them will return.

I also always wondered about Ali Larter's character; based on her aquatic form shifting ability, I always thought she should have survived saving Claire and Noah from the buried trailer but it was never addressed. I suppose we can assume the pooling water we saw could be a visual metaphor for blood and believe her dead....however, I think Ali is recently out of work so perhaps she could come back if this gets picked up elsewhere. That would be cool because, to get back on topic, I fully enjoyed this enough to watch more, if it were to happen.

Also we haven't seen Barbara (the third tripplet) yet, so even if Tracy was dead, she could return as Barbara. 😃

When there’s vomit on the piano, it’s time to stop the audition.


Yes, that's right! I didn't mention that because I already felt I went on too long, and I wasn't sure if I was remembering correctly that they were triplets. Guess the memory isn't completely shot after all...thanks for giving me the character names again though, they had escaped me, lol.


I enjoyed some parts of Heroes Reborn while thought other parts were bad, I do think people were at times overly critical but here's my thoughts on the whole thing:

- Seemed lame that they only brought back a few of the Heroes, from what I saw there was nothing extravagent done with them either. Parkman for example just crashes his car and that's it.... would've been interesting if he turned full fledged bad guy or actually died in some sort of meaningful fight. Same thing with the Haitian.... was it explained how he is still alive? lol. Also why did he just run off? What happened to him after that? Seems like a lame way to conclude things.

- Giving Tommy the "power of time" thing was a bad idea. It just means the writers have to do zany stuff to cover up for the fact that he can really just go to the past and change whatever needs to be changed. Or just stop time lol. Seems like it's not really suspenseful. The "Hiro Problem" as I called it, lead to lots of bad storylines from the original series... they pretty much always have to have Hiro experiencing some weird thing that is preventing him from using time travel. In this series, he was put in a "video game".

- The video game thing was just really weird. I get that the show is trying to cater to young adults, which is good because any middle age person or older would think this was really dumb. Even younger people still did.... just seems like a weird storyline.

- Obviously Kring didn't plan things out in the same style that Lost was planned, where they knew about the ending well ahead of time. Renautus.... seems weird the company is so huge yet you never heard anything about them from the original series. Not only that, but it seems really easy to infiltrate the place and get to their top secret areas.

- The Carlos thing was cool..... up until the point where you realize that arc of him saving the people held by Parkman was it. I mean they really had nothing bigger for this guy? He needed a major villian, in fact I think he should've been the guy to kill Parkman.

- What happened with Mohinder? He gets framed as being the leader of terrorist evo's, yet after the time travel episodes, it just goes nowhere. Seems like they did a lot of baiting with "showing" the original cast, getting people to think it would lead somewhere but it never did.

- The final episode was just bad. It seems like they could've used just about anyone as a "conduit" especially since Noah wasn't related to the kids by blood. Seems like a weird thing all around, as how does the blue beam actually stop the fire? I wish they would've given a better explaination here.... or just came up with a better storyline.

- Kind of unfair here, as they obviously couldn't get the characters, but the fans should've gotten some follow up on Syler and Peter... they are clearly more important to the series then Claire lol. We know both of them have the power to live forever.... so what happens with them?

Ok I guess that's a lot of problems and I wrote a novel, but I did find a lot of the stuff to be enjoyable. It's kind of embarassing for Kring that the series got cancelled so quickly this time around. Just seems like the guy could start a storyline off well, but could never bridge it out or finish it.


True. Only Sylar was mentioned briefly, in the first episode I think.
