Jeremiah's teeth....

perhaps from a combination of the Amish's poor dental hygiene and his smoking but yikes!  He must come a close second to Abe for the most unhealthy diseased natural teeth of all the Amish featured on the show. So I'm sure his breath cannot be very fresh, plus he always looks greasy/unclean. I can't for the life of me imagine how such a pretty girl as Carmela could be physically attracted to him. They must have a very strong emotional bond to overcome so many icky factors to his personal hygiene. 

I also am confused how Jeremiah expects to take a more active role in his children's lives if he has now moved halfway across the country from them to Washington/Portland...


Yeah, he cries about missing his kids; but he has the power to live close to them and see them at least every other weekend, like any other divorced dad. It was HIS decision to put a woman above the need to live close to them. I don't buy his story that he was living away from them, because of work, even before this woman. If it was truly a priority for him to live close to them, he would have found work in their area. He must have done that to be close to Carmella.
