MovieChat Forums > Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (2016) Discussion > This might be a sleeper/cult classic

This might be a sleeper/cult classic

I have a feeling this movie might do very well once it's out of theaters.


I would rather watch a fly on the ceiling


Art, this is the kind of posting we need to be seeing more of.

Why is everyone such a baby on these boards?

I haven't seen this movie yet. I most likely will, because I have Moviepass. But I certainly can't imagine paying for this. It just looks like Eat Pray Love set in Afghanistan. Anyway:

I doubt this will be a cult -- much less a sleeper. A sleeper?!? Are you insane? If it was a sleeper, it would be f%#%ing sleeping by now. It's awake and it's a dud. This movie has about as much legs as Oscar Pistorius.

I wish Tina the best of luck because she is brilliant writer and has done a lot for women in comedy, but this movie just looks predictable and frankly vanilla bound-for-streaming fare.


Walter, first of all the OP said sleeper AFTER it leaves theaters. Ever heard of The Shawshank Redemption? Secondly you are judging a movie you have not seen. I loved this movie and thought it was engaging and well acted. Now use your moviepass so you can have a real opinion.


Jeez - another person deciding exactly what a movie is without seeing it. Why bother going to the trouble of making a commentif your entire knowledge of a movie is based on the trailers?


You might be right. I loved it. Went to see it thinking it's a Tina Fey comedy (the trailer was pretty misleading, as usual) and got something better. I'd watch it again on dvd.


totally, loved the *beep* out of it. Was expecting something way dumber too. That was some quality piece of cinema.


A lot of people are going to skip this, than later on when they do see it wonder how they passed this up. Well made, good diolog, good acting, not bad
