Christopher Abbot

IMHO, Christopher Abbot did a phenomenal job portraying her in-country interpreter. He can say so much with his eyes. He was totally unrecognizable in this movie. After watching the movie, I wanted to know who the actor was that portrayed Fahim Ahmadzai.


His relationship, as limited as it was, was far more convincing than the forced girl friendship Fey had with Robbie.


Agreed! The relationship between Kim and Fahim was my favourite part of the movie.


Totally agree, I really enjoyed all the relationships Kim had but the one between her and Fahim was particularly sweet.

Just because YOU don't like something doesn't mean it is empirically not good.-Tina Fey


Talented actor! I'll be looking out for other films he is in.


i was disappointed that nothing happened between kim and fahim because their chemistry was great. then i remembered that wtf was based on a true story.

i kept thinking that fahim looked like jon snow.


For those who are interested, he was in a really good indie film last year called James White. Think he was nominated for best male lead for the independent spirit awards.


I can't believe how young he is! The wisdom he emotes in this film made me think he was so much older, even though he is not supposed to be old in the story. He manages to show how war ages people's minds/spirits.
