MovieChat Forums > Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (2016) Discussion > Tina Fey Stole My Latest Catchphrase

Tina Fey Stole My Latest Catchphrase

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot was my latest catchphrase and now it's going to be the title of this movie. :(


The nerve of her! Always knew that Tina was up to no good.


The nerve on that woman.

I love the smell of napalm in the morning!


Surely... you jest? It's been a stock phrase in the US military since the Reagan Era, maybe longer... WTF basically replaced FUBAR...


Yep, I use it quite frequently. "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, Over."


Your only a couple of decades late in coining "your" phrase. smh.


Go ahead and trademark Army codenames why don't you. I have to say the phonetic alphabet everyday at work down a headset' i do not work in The RAF or Army. So why do I not go around saying "Lima Mike Foxtrot Alpha Oscar" Mostly because the people who use text speak are not intelligent enough to come up with "catchphrases" like that, if you can call them that?


It was only recently
that I came up with the code
u all seem 2 b embracing
to communicate

4 shur

sort o reminds me of one of the greatest lines in all of sin-emma

& any o use
wha' touches me
or any of my
5 h ! t . . .

--- Francis

Gelebt haben. Zu sterben, um wieder zu leben.


I have been using Whiskey Tango for "white trash" since Generation Kill, as in "my whiskey tango neighbors are slinging crack again". Tons of other great mil-speak in that series too.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence - Carl Sagan


whiskey tango foxtrot??


Oscar Mike Golf


Foxtrot Papa [face_palm]


Foxtrot Tango Alpha

Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about.
be kind, rewind...
