MovieChat Forums > Whiskey Tango Foxtrot (2016) Discussion > Are they ever going to show middle easte...

Are they ever going to show middle easterns in a different light...?

I just had to ask...


You mean, like looking at them through rose-colored glasses??



Lol no, but taking off the *beep* glasses and seeing them as they are...


Why do you think this movie portrayed them in an unfaithful manner? Some specifics please?



It's not necessarily that I think this specific movie portrays them unfaithfully, but rather the fact that most movies portrays them in the same light.

I don't have a problem with a film showing Afghanistan as, for example, a dry gravelly place, with people who are hard to communicate with, and violence happens.
But when everything shows them in that light, I have to ask why? There has to be a different side to them. Not to say that this film is all a lie. But there are pretty amazing things about Afghanistan that would be so enjoyable to watch, why can't we ever see those?

If you google the nature of Afghanistan, you will find a beautiful range of scenic environments.

I have heard veterans speak of the kind hospitality of the civilians they came across when they were there.

Their historical sites, natural resources which is not just oil, architecture, poetry, musicality, Sufism, art, cuisine, agriculture, Buddha statues... I could go on for ever! Are you honestly telling me that there's nothing else about this ancient culture that could inspire a different kind of plot?


I see your point and that makes sense but the reality is movies like this one are made to attract an audience and turn a profit. Not sure how much audience they would attract for what you seek. But don't give up!



I wont, I promise!

And you are so right... but then the question is why would something like this draw profit? I don't mean this film, but this theme...


You do know that this is a act based story adapted from a book by a woman who was there, right?
If you don't understand that it's about what she experienced, there's a problem in your wiring.
Stick to PBS or documentaries.


Cool your tits and open your eyes! I clearly said that I'm not hating on this specific film, I just watched it and wondered why they keep showing these countries in the same light over and over.

Based on some ones real experiences or not, why are only these experiences picked up by Hollywood? And if you're gonna say because this is all there is out there, don't waste your time.


South Central Asia.

Your post fails when you can't even get your geography right.


hmmm... are you absolutely positive?


"Middle East" is an outdated geographical grouping that everyone has a different opinion on. Politically, Afghanistan is very much a Middle-Eastern country, but geographically it is still lumped in with Asia.

There are a bunch of countries that fall into ambiguous geographical groupings, and really it's not worth arguing about.


Afghanistan is not in the Middle East.


The film showed the Afghans and Afghanistan that way. It's a different culture than classic Middle Eastern culture, which is mostly Egyptian, Arabic, Jewish, Turkish and Iranian. Furthermore, that is exactly how it is there. If this film had taken place in Egypt, Morocco, Turkey, Lebanon it would have been very different.


The Taliban filmed themselves blowing up Afghanistan's ancient Buddha statues that were regarded as world historic treasures. These toothless illiterates were laughing at the time.

Later the same thing was done in Iraq and Syria except for the pieces small enough to steal and sell on the black market.

I don't know everything. Neither does anyone else
