Hate-able Characters

Miles, who was dense & unlikeable in the beginning of the movie turns out to be the only character I actually had sympathy with by the end.

Was starting to hope that Joe Bright ended up killing them all by the time the last scenes were playing out.


I know, the girl who I thought was cute at the start became very ugly to me by the time the credits rolled. I was a little sympathetic for Joe*, he was only guilty of being too loyal and not knowing when to say no.

Gotta love how people hold onto a secret for all those years and wait until after the two have sex to mention their relation.


Yes, she was despicable.

She knew Joe was her half-brother, and slept with him anyway. But, she'd been having a relationship with her half-brother's brother. That's creepy, too.


she didn't know he was her brother until after they slept together. Her father found them the morning after then told her


Miles was going to dump that chick once they got the money so his brother sleeping with her should not have been upsetting to him, his brother got locked up as part of this hoax and could have turned out bad for him so following through with selling the story was the least the brother could do despite him having a vision of his mother and turning all righteous
