Luc Baptiste

Who the blazes plays Luc Baptiste???


Luc Baptiste is no more than an actor from Orlando Florida pretending to be some Cajun from Louisiana along with the rest of the cast. Not one person on there is from Louisiana when they could have used the locals to earn a little extra money. This show is a joke. All names are fictional and the cast are all actors. Even Deputy Lambert is not real. He is an actor who played in GI Joe Retalliation and This Is The End. The woman on the show is actually from Beautiful Creatures and Abraham Lincoln Vampire Slayer among others. This whole show is a made up story, none of it is real. Amos Jagneaux is not a real person either, its made up too.


The Jagneaux family is scarier than the cryptid. But a strafing run by an A-10 Warthog'd settle 'em down pretty good alright.



Luc Baptiste is no more than an actor... All names are fictional and the cast are all actors...


Not sure why you replied to this thread; the original poster clearly knows they're actors, and is asking who plays Luc Baptiste.

There's an announcement every ep stating outright that it's a dramatic reenactment...

I smell dark magic! It's a bit like burnt popcorn.


Yay! Glad to see someone added a cast list here on IMDB; mystery solved!

I smell dark magic! It's a bit like burnt popcorn.
