stupid brat

Seriously. Next time use a DOG. A cat would always be able to sense the evil inside. A dog can't. That little brat wouldn't be able to drown the cat.


You say that as if you honestly believe kids have never drowned cats before.




A cat would always be able to sense the evil inside.
No, no, that's aliens. Cats can sense aliens - well, heck, they can see them. Surely you've witnessed a cat chasing invisible aliens around at some point!

They're not so good with human evil.

Snake Plissken. I've heard of you. I heard you were dead.



They all need watch Three Faces Of Eve and Sybil.


I was surprised at how fast she let go of the cat, hard to believe it died so quickly


Everything happens fast these days in motion-pictures and television stories. It's an expository time-saver, but it's also an appeasement to keep the attention of the Attention-Deficit generation, who need to have everything given to them now...Now...NOW! and then move on quickly to the next action. Hardly ever anymore is the time taken to just hold a shot and show characters completing a brief action if that action can be whittled down by precious seconds. Hence, an action that should have taken maybe a minute or so is pared to ten or fifteen seconds, and it's assumed since we don't have the patience to sit through all of it that we should fill in the gaps. Besides, I'm sure the producers of this show knew they'd get flak for showing a little girl kill a household you really think they would want to linger on this any more than they'd have to?

"This river don't run to Aintry!"
