WTF were they thinking?

I can't even begin to imagine what the creators of this painful waste of electrons were thinking when they conceived of it.

It's like an episode of "Pee Wee's Playhouse," injected with every kind of drug one could obtain, then kicked down several flights of stairs, run over by several trucks, then thrown into a meat grinder.

Sadly, I don't mean this in a good way.

It's worth watching for about ten minutes, just to see how bad & pointless a movie can be.


It was amazing... and the film maker is the same guy who wrote the graphic novel. Yes it's the craziest movie I have ever seen but I loved it and it's obviously not for everyone but I thought it was genius



OP nailed it. The way it was executed makes it abundantly obvious *what* you are watching (a cloying bid for attention), but not *why*. It reminded me of every obnoxious unique snowflake I have ever met who went above and beyond the call of duty to impress upon innocent bystanders how clever, special, intelligent, and strange they are by publicly humiliating themselves with stupid clothes, fake accents, insisting that they enjoy eating Coco-Puffs through their nose, whatever.

As for what they were thinking, I'm betting that it was something along the lines of 'It's gonna be SO COOL when everyone is wearing AIAC costumes to cons and theatres! I'm SO TOTALLY going to be hailed as a genius! And I have Crispin Glover, so clearly we are so on track to be cool!'

And, again, fandom has said 'No, thanks. We're good.'


I'm all for "different" movies. I'm tired of the CGI one scene grander than the last no plot junk that makes $500 million at the box office these days. That being said, I had great difficulty following Aimy in a Cage. Maybe I'm just not bright enough. Could be all those stories adults read to me as a kid that had a beginning, middle, and an ending. I watched it because Crispin Glover was in it. Not sure what his part was at this point. The lead actor playing Aimy did a great job I though.
