Family as in man+woman

Wonderful comedy with a great message.The impressive fact that despite being French, it shows how some still value the real family that gives children the time and care they need.


excuse me, could you explain the " despite being french" part please ?

The World Cup is Coming.


Why wouldn't 2 loving gay parents be a "real" family ? Oh yeah i forgot : homophobic bigotry that's why .


Just because you support one model doesn't mean you put the other thing down. You do exactly the same thing by assuming the OP is homophobic just because he considers a real family consists of a father and a mother, -

Darth Vader is scary and I  The Godfather


Yeah, the OP felt the need to specify "man+woman" but sureeee not a homophobe.

But I have love in my heart - Yes, as a thief has riches, a usurer money


How kind and full of love you are, and so fast to say someone with a different opinion is a "homophobic bigot".

A saying of my country: "What one´s mouth speaks is what one´s heart is full of".


Why put down families that are not man+woman?


I don't believe that the OP was putting down alternative family structures. The fact is though, that despite 98% of the population being heterosexual, filmmakers usually portray "nuclear families" as being dysfunctional or unhealthy (mainly due to the feminist agenda and constant male bashing.) It is not very often these day to see a film that depicts a husband and wife in a strong loving relationship, and who are raising their children in a healthy home environment. Sadly, that makes films like this one rather uncommon.


I wouldn't call their household entirely healthy. The way they exploited the daughter's hearing went way too far. And the whole militant "deafness is not a disability" stuff, which culminated in them admitting that they couldn't stand non-deaf people and wished their daughter had been deaf too... er, nope.


I didn't mean to imply that they had absolutely no problems whatsoever. All families have their own issues to deal with. The example you gave, though, had more to do with the parents deafness than anything else, and could have still been the case in any other relationship as well. Deaf people can sometimes develop a superior/resentful attitude towards those who can hear. I was actually glad that the film had the balls to criticize this rather than do what every other deaf movie does, and portray them as saints by virtue of their disability. That being said, this provided only minor conflict in the film, and was quickly remedied by the end credits. Overall, though, they had a fairly healthy and loving home environment, especially as compared to the vast majority of other films out there with cheating spouses, unconcerned parents, divorce, abuse, etc..
