The ending

Did you feel that Kate was at ease about the entire situation with her husband? I feel that she wasn't, like it was a life altering situation and she can never look at her husband the same anymore or believe his words. Even after his speech, and during their dance, I thought her facial expressions showed a lack of confidence. Truly opposite of how these films usually go.

Last seen: The H8ful Eight 70mm (7/10)


Of course she wasn't at ease. In fact, I think that was the point of the story.

Let us be crooked, but never common.


What do you mean that was the point?

Last seen: The H8ful Eight 70mm (7/10)


The point was that she had just realized that her husband's speech along with her whole marriage was pretty much lie. The dead woman Katya had influenced her marriage more than she had thought. From not having children with Geoff, to the dog, to the photos which they never took. Look at how many photos Geoff took of Katya which is something he didn't do with Kate.

So to go back to your original question, of course her expression wasn't one of ease.

Let us be crooked, but never common.


What do you mean by "point", though? Different viewers can have different impressions of the film.

Last seen: The H8ful Eight 70mm (7/10)


Yeah Marjeez, I agree with him. The point of the film is the realization of a truth she didn't know about which is that his husband would change the life he had with her for a life with his never-forgotten love and that her dead girlfriend whom he never told her she died while expecting his son has never left his mind
Is a very sad ending, her life won't ever be the same, perhaps there's something else to take from the speech he makes maybe he somehow refers to Katya and Kate gets it. Also I think that the point that her mom died close to his lost made him more inclined to feel connected to her, Kate was basically imo his forever rebound. Another thing could be and 1 question the film makes I think is can you blame him? after losing the love of your life in such a tragic way when she was carrying your baby and your life seem so perfect to your eyes... can you recover? I guess he never did he just found someone to pass the years while he mourned his past love forever
What do you feel when you discover you're a replace that'll never be so good as another person to the eyes of the person you have spend more than 45 years together with...


I didn't quite get the ending either. Why is she so upset (pulling her hand out of his at the end etc) ?

Was he her first and only love? For most people it would be normal that your significant other loved other people. And even though it's over and long past they never leave your heart. Why should there be anything wrong with that.

I don't see him doing anything wrong really. The letter understandably tore up old grief. Give him a week to get over it. She seems a bit possessive and even controlling. I guess she cared for him during his illness and expect a kind of perfect loyalty from him. Is there any problem for them that a bit of viagra can't cure? And yes the lovemaking scene hints that he was fantasizing about his long dead wife but hey... what is even so terribly wrong with that.

So if that is what happened she is acting a bit foolish for her age. Which kind of makes the whole drama unresolved and a tragedy. I mean getting old sucks anyways.


It's not whah he did. It's what he didn't do. This thing from the past has changed the next 45 years. It brings a cloud of doubt over the last 4+ decades.


Your approach is way too reasonable. Most people don't do reasonable so well. Thanks, Dan!


david-jzrave, I think you summed it up perfectly. His forever rebound. I thought the look on her face in the final shot was completely haunting.


Wow! You people are dumb as rocks.

Of course she isn't at ease. She's angry, disgusted and more!

As one of the members mentioned above, she's just realized she's been a rebound for these past 45 years.

Imagine that!!! Can you? I don't think so.

45 Years is one of those films that gets better the more you think about it. It's so layered and deep and adult. I wouldn't recommend anyone under 20 from even attempting to watch it. You just wouldn't get the full impact of it.

It's like trying to watch Boyhood when you're just 14 years old. Don't even try.


Agreed. I'm kind of shocked people have to ask. Like she had to whisper "I'm so mad at you" and roll her eyes. Tv and most current cinema had bludgeoned people into not noticing any subtlety.


No one is asking what happened at the end, or what it means, I'm asking what other people's thoughts are of the ending. You have terrible reading comprehension. Furthermore, you come off as a wannabe pseudo-intellectual hipster on an internet forum lol

Last seen: The H8ful Eight 70mm (7/10)


Huh? I just mentioned how subtlety has gone out the window in most cinema. I don't see the reason for the pseudo hipster label. You know nothing about me. Whatever makes you giggle though.


IKR? Her expression and pulling her hand away makes it pretty clear.


You're the moron here. This is a place to discuss film. If you don't like discussing, then why are you here? Obviously I'm agreeing with you, if you read the OP, you idiot, but it wasn't as clear-cut as you make it out to be and there could be other perspectives from other people, hence why this thread exists.

Last seen: The H8ful Eight 70mm (7/10)


Don't expect to have a reasonable discussion with the fandom of this film. The only purpose of this board is for people to discuss how much of an intellectual orgasm they had watching it.


I don't think I want to see this film as much as I like Rampling and Courtenay.



Yeah. I, somehow, got the feeling that Smoke Gets In Your Eyes was actually about Katya. Kate felt that every single decision that had been made in their life influenced by Katya and when they danced at the ending, maybe Kate realized that the song was about Katya (IDK maybe Geoff chose the song in the first place for their first dance 45 years ago).
Kate's expression after Geoff's speech also didn't indicate that she trusted him either and it only got even worse with the song.

Well, that's what I got anyway. Cheers.

"I am a Knight, and Cersei is a Queen,"


Agree with this and the other posters. The ending was Kate finally realizing the truth about their marriage. This wasn't something that just spanned the week (which is what she originally thought) but something that spanned their entire 45 years together. Also, remember the scene when they decided to be intimate? His eyes were closed. When he opened them (at Kate's request), the moment was quickly lost. I took what happened in the attic later that night was Geoff continuing what he started (fantasizing about Katya).



I read the song differently, I don't think it is about Geoff missing his dead Katya. "Smoke gets in your eyes" is not about a person dying, it is about "all who love are blind", that Kate was so much in love with Geoff that she hadn't seen that their marriage had been fake/wrong/tainted.



Sure, it can be interpreted that way, too. It's just some parts of the lyrics fit exactly about the whole Geoff-Katya situation and how Kate's always been the outsider on their marriage.

All in all this is truly a heartbreaking movie.

"I am a Knight, and Cersei is a Queen,"


Just watched this fine movie, and I had the same impression: Kate realizes that the song applies all too well to the situation. In my opinion, the lyrics work equally well both from Geoff's point of view (45 years back then) and from Kate's point of view (now). If Geoff had any role in choosing the song 45 years before, that would be especially disturbing for Kate, as it would mean that Katya was predominant in Geoff's thoughts even the day that they married.



Kate was not only unaware of this relationship but unaware of the impact it had on her marriage. All of a sudden all of her memories with this man and what she knows about him are tainted by this woman who will be immortalized as young, beautiful and the mother of his child (something Kate will never be) in her husband's mind. Kate is essentially in competition with a dead woman; like a never-ending affair that will never have a resolution because Katya will always be alive in her husband's memories.


Kate was not only unaware of this relationship
She wasn't unaware of the relationship. Their conversation about it at the beginning after he gets the letter makes it clear that Geoff had told Kate about Katya when he and Kate first met. He left out few important details (including the fact that Katya had been pregnant when she died) but Kate knew that Geoff had had a girlfriend who died in the mountains before they met.

It is also made clear that Kate never asked Geoff anything about Katya, ever, even though after the letter comes he seems very eager to talk about her--so there's no way of knowing whether the information Kate believes was unfairly withheld from her all those years ago could have been revealed decades before if she had just asked for more details.


I do not interpret the ending as sad at all:
In the end she realizes that he made a choice to be with her and to be in this relationship for 45 years.
After she has the speech about starting afresh that next day (Saturday), he treats her with kindness - making her tea, accompanying her on the walk.
She realizes she can make peace with the situation, or beat herself up about it and ruin the marriage they both chose. I see both of their actions coming together in agreement to endure and hold together peacefully as man and wife.



No, I don't think she was happy at the end. In fact I thought the ending was brutal. Her entire life had been ripped out from under her by what she discovered. Even though he seemed to have worked through his shock and reawakened grief and returned to her I suspect she had 45 years worth of decisions, compromises and even happy moments to re-evaluate.


Yes, and sadly it is clear that she is too concerned with maintaining face in front of friends and family to just leave him.
