My two cents.

Ok this flick has me conflicted. On the one hand it's a pretty standard and cliche "cult" flick. Things get predictable fast and stay that way. Every jump scare is seen at least 5 seconds before actually happening. On the other hand, this is a solidly made flick anchored by an awesome performance from Thomas Jane. With decent atmosphere and some truly creepy moments. So I do recommend watching this on Netflix if you're looking for a horror flick to burn an hour and a half of your time one night. At the very least for Jane's performance.


You must be on Facebook.


Lol. What?



Good review.

I had just flipped on to the movie right after it had started, and hadn't checked the credits.

I did not *even* recognize that was Thomas Jane!

And, you're right about his performance; IMHO, it's by far the best thing going for this flick.

"Much communication in a motion, without conversation or a notion"


Haha. It was so weird seeing him in a role like that.


Thomas Jane was the ONLY thing going for this complete mess of a flick. Highly disappointing. 3.5/10


I clicked on it on Netflix .... sounded creepy ...... it wasn't until the credits that I knew who the people were.... Thomas Jane was excellent, as was Jessica Alba. I can't believe I didn't recognize her.

I thought it was a GOOD movie, all the way around.


Thanks. I won't waste the bytes to watch it.


I agree, I thought his performance was fantastic and I didn't really even think it was him until the last half of the movie for some reason. :P Perhaps because it's such a different role for him, but I LOVED IT!

I don't really understand why so many people think this movie is cliche. I can't really recall another cult movie that this reminded me of, so to me it seems original. :P How is it cliche? I will agree though that the jump scares were just LOL
