Silly concept

The risk/reward ratio was plain silly. Anyone would rather steal a car than fight to the death for €5K or even €100K.


Exactly. Someone would do a lot more things before killing for cash. Even if they did try it, there would be so many robberies and setups at meeting places.


I don't think that is quite the point. Basically you had people who were financially wrecked to the point where they were willing to commit suicide. Whether or not you chose to believe this, it is a real phenomenon - I personally knew of someone who committed suicide when their restaurant was failing. So starting from this point of view, the movie explores this option by giving these people another way - a death match as an alternative to suicide.


I agree with both sentiments lol. You can't even get A pair of Jordan's on Craigslist without getting A gun pulled on you, could you imagine what the promise of A few thousand would do? Hardly anyone would make it to the vacant lot lol


That being said, if you had nothing left to lose, would you rather turn all your belongings into cash, fight a random person that may be a better fighter than you but also broker to you to the death, or would you rather toss all that money on red or black on a roulette wheel and have the just as good a chance of doubling your money without actually murdering someone?
