MovieChat Forums > The Night Before (2015) Discussion > Just a "The Hangover"-inspired juvenile-...

Just a "The Hangover"-inspired juvenile-humor fest?

Parallels to the Hangover abound, but taken a step further to encouragement... The bearded flake of the group and his disgusting antics (fueled by drugs and booze no less).
His wife wants to treat him to this night out so not only does she give him his blessing to go, but she also gifts him a kit of mushrooms and cocaine? (also per the trailer, yes).
And then even MORE UNinspired ripoffs such as by trashing the toy store piano scene from "Big?"
Oh bravo. Enjoy your original comedy.
And what's that? If you think it looks so bad then just don't see it? Stop wasting your time complaining about a movie you haven't even seen??
Well, since the trailer alerts one to the aforementioned, why would ANYONE bother to flock to such a cookie-cutter cash cow show?
JGL's capitalistic intentions are respectable, but it's still a bit of a surprise he'd waste his dominant talent on what's sure to be predictable rehash material.





This stupid movie is going to make a lot of money.


"Just a "The Hangover"-inspired juvenile-humor fest?"

I hope so.


anybody know of a movie written by three Catholics about vomiting all over a temple on Yom Kippur?


Haha good one dave! just another way for the hollywood jews to make a "destroy christmas movie" it looks HORRIBLE! Well I never thought any of the toliet humor movies like pineapple express were funny to begin with. i will skip the ZION christmas movie....


Pineapple Express is pretty funny. Maybe you just need to smoke some pot in your lifetime.

Also, I hope they destroy Christmas. It's a bs consumer holiday anyways.


I have smoked weed for 25 years my friend and pineapple express is as funny as cancer. I just don't think there funny..after superbad i wasent buying it anymore. It's the same thing over and over and over. They are beating a dead horse! off topic here but XMAS IS a consumer holiday, guess what ALL holidays are consumer holidays, either based around buying stuff , shoveling food in your mouth and/or candy or booze. halloween, valentines day, superbowl, new years eve. sheet even your own birthday. Here in america we buy stuff. I don't think seth rogan and his ragtag gang will destroy anything, especially not the box office when this turd of a movie gets pitched out of jonatahn levine's cornhole. I mean he directed such amazing movies like "the wackness". how bout' run out and buy the DVD, they will sell hundreds of copies! or is that too consumer for you?


Seriously? You can't give props and "drop the mic" in response to your own post. Lame. And I respect that you don't like these Apatow/Rogen movies but leave the Jews out of it. Whatever you had to say was just invalidated by needlessly bringing race into what should be a conversation about the quality of one film. Since you're trying to get political about a silly comedy about remembering your friends (while misspelling the actor's names and avoiding capitalization), with that kind of debate skills, I take it you're siding with Trump on the next election. Why don't you ask him on Twitter to make a wall to keep the Jews out of Hollywood, since that seems important to you?

And no, I'm neither Jewish by blood or religion. I just don't like people getting picked on for *beep* like that. I saw this movie last night and didn't find it to be funny but I had to get that out there.

"Oh, my God. Bear is driving! How can that be?!"

reply nailed it!


Oh boy here we go, everything is Donald Trumps fault. Who's getting picked on exactly? And why are you so butthurt because I have an opinion... Wipe the tears from your face you look like your crying.


"drops the mic"


You are right, they are all consumer holidays, but that is all Christmas really is. At least Halloween is fun :).

I don't buy DVD's anymore. I live the pirate life.


I love when you judgemental Christians/Catholics get offended over some of the most non-violent, trivial aspects of life (films, Starbucks cups, Tarantino's Hateful Eight having the tagline "Spend Christmas with someone you hate"), but have had absolutely no problem seeking violent religious retribution for thousands of years and have committed the most violent and inhumane atrocities upon mankind (Crusades, America, Pedo-Priests/Popes) since you popped up onto the grid.

Get over yourselves.


Wow, you are full of s... Tell you what, I will give one million dollars to every living member of your family that was killed in the Crusades


I am not familiar with that story line, however I imagine if it were funny, it would be produced! I'm a Catholic and I didn't take offense at the vomiting scene and so what if I did.


Is this a shock to you?
Mainstream comedies have hit rock bottom relying on this kind of "humor" alone without any kind of cleverness, style or wit or even effort.


I miss good comedies like Knocked Up and Superbad.


Unfortunetly, Knocked Up and Superbad do not qualify as good comedies for me.


Good for you

Watch In The Loop, maybe that's a comedy for you.


Well it's good; that's a reason to see it. Plus, The Hangover is - at best - a subpar film.


It's more Superbad-inspired than anything else. Not as good as that film, but def some solid laughs along the way.

I'm trying to become a reviewer myself, putting together an entertaining, informative youtube channel and if anyone is interested in a review for this movie, check it out here.
