Its a good idea

But unfortunatelly the end was absurd.


Hablas español?


Yo hablo español :)


How does it end?


Sounds interesting enough. I may rent it.
How would you rate the movie so I know what to expect?


It starts out very good. The mystery of what's going on keep's you interested till the end. But like the op said the ending is absurd and downright silly. I'd give it a 6/10.


Disagree very strongly - I thought it closed the loop (!) very claeverly and nicely and can't imagine how they could ohave done oitherwise. I do not see the ending sequences or build up to them in any way a cop out, this is where I realised I was watching something that ran /far/ deeper thank I had realised during the first hour and a half - pure genius imho


I agree. It wasn't a happy ending. In fact it was downright grim (like the whole movie), but I think it was appropriate. The movie DID leave me with a lot questions, which for me is okay. Some like everything easily resolved so I understand how they would be disappointed in the ending. I will be watching it again.

