Ok here's the thing

Some acting was bad, but the story was really good. Now I feel like before they edited it and after it was actually edited, Were meant to be two separate movies. All the ludicrous flashing candy crush type *beep* that went down on screen every 10 minutes was way over much. It was very obnoxious. If all that was toned down I bet the movies would be higher then it's - right now- rating it 3.9. Besides the candy crush bull, not enough happens. And when it does happen it's very rushed. But even while nothing much happened, I was very intrigued in the plot and what was happening.


I completely and totally agree. I read all the terrible reviews but decided to watch it anyway and I was pleasantly surprised. It held my attention for sure. I just wish that they had explained the back story of the new girl and of Cat. It seems like they both had an interesting past that would have been nice to at least touch upon.


The little app animations were cool to look at but they took me out of the movie and gave me a headache. The whole movie felt like a jumbled mess but the hashtag, Candy Crush things were the absolute worst.

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