Dino Thunder Connection

could be wrong about this but i recently re watched Dino Thunder ad Tommy says that " the dino Gems came to earth on the asteroids that destroyed the dinosaurs"....could that be one of the asteroids that sledge was collecting? he may of unknowengly been carrying the Dino Gems makes sense that they would come from another planet and also would explain how they got to earth? does anyone agree?


I agree as I also thought the same thing about the dino gems.It would be a nice nod in continuity if the writers of the show actually acknowledged the dino gem origin in the show.

Its treason then! (Palpatine - Star Wars ROTS)


Like Dino Thunder, Go-Busters has a team of 5 Rangers. Red, Blue, Yellow, Gold and Silver. In a way, this mimics Dino Thunder's team which contains Red, Blue, Yellow, Black, and White.

My current fan-theory/hope is that the coming adaption of Go-Busters will link this. Perhaps Sledge finds some way to depower the Energems, leaving the Earth defenseless against his invasion. The Dino Charge team discover that their Energems are tied to the Dino Gems, held by Power Rangers before them. They get the Dino Gems from the Dino Thunder team, allowing Kendall to convert their powers into NEW Ranger suits...

Tyler remains Red (or passes the power onto Chase)
Koda remains blue (or passes the power onto Chase or Riley)
Shelby (or Kendall) becomes Yellow
Ivan remains Gold (or passes the power onto Chase, Riley or Koda)
Prince Phillip becomes Silver (or passes the power onto Chase, Riley, or Koda).



My current fan-theory/hope is that the coming adaption of Go-Busters will link this.
Erm, when is this happening?

Let's roll some tits up the flagpole and see if anyone gets wood.


Dino Charge is suppose to be incorporating Go-Busters eventually. Idk if it's going to be just the monsters, plot and/or Rangers.



I'm pretty sure that was just a rumour.

I hope I'm wrong though, I'd like to see some Go-Busters on screen.

Let's roll some tits up the flagpole and see if anyone gets wood.


their is ZERO EVEDENCE to support any Go-Buster adaptation theory's, In fact Saban has made it clear that he did not like Go-Buster nor the toy sales.... and was not going to do it.

they are destroying our childhood in the name of PC Another reason to hate PC and hate it hard.n-mo
