
I can't wait for him to rip into this piece of crap series.


why? he's mentioned that he's enjoyed this season, and it's already been well-regarded and considered a vast improvement over Samurai and Megaforce, fixing a lot of the problems they had.

I used to be indecisive. Now, I'm not so sure.


This season is surprisingly good for a kids show.


This season is surprisingly good for a kids show.
I have to disagree.


but the only reason you though the season was bad was because you thought that the last episode was the end of Dino Super/Charge, when we still have 20 episodes to go, so your complaints are invalid.

I used to be indecisive. Now, I'm not so sure.


He's said he's enjoyed it so far, so not going to happen.

And you know, this series isn't crap either.

Let's roll some tits up the flagpole and see if anyone gets wood.


As said, not happening. I AM looking forward to him ripping into Megaforce though. Might be a short review though. I mean, nothing actually happens in the series nor do the characters develop in any way....


The first 8 episodes before the show took a long break were easily better than the previous 4 seasons in terms of acting, writing, action and all round cohesion as apposed to the outrageous idiocy of Super Megaforce in particular. 

Does anyone know when Linkara is reviewing Megaforce??! His video showed be out by this week according to his schedule. 


And here I thought it would be a short review and it ended up being like the longest yet. But that's just because there was so much background stuff to talk about. The actual content of the show was, as expected, pretty thin.


As said, not happening. I AM looking forward to him ripping into Megaforce though. Might be a short review though. I mean, nothing actually happens in the series nor do the characters develop in any way....

It was an AWESOME and accurate review. Can't wait for Dino Charge. Linkara has already mentioned that he enjoys this season so far. I have to agree. It's a vast improvement on Samurai and Megaforce.

Dino Charge may not be as solid as RPM but stands up there with In Space and Time Force, in my opinion.

EDIT: I see you've already seen it. I agree. The main theme of Megaforce is NOTHING happens. I particularly agree that Troy was a blank slate of a man. Andrew Gray himself is actually a pretty awesome guy. Go to his Youtube channel and you'll see he's TOTALLY different from Troy.

Why couldn't THAT be our Mega Red Power Ranger??? I couldn't help but laugh at the "Super Saiyan" scene. I just kept thinking "Yeah, Drew FINALLY gets to be excited about something on this show. Sooooo, he plays it as over-the-top as possible." Why couldn't



I follow him on instagram and watched a video of his and actually enjoyed it. And I thought to myself, "How is it that he can act better in a 15 second video on instagram than 2 entire seasons of Power Rangers?!"


I imagine it was an issue with direction. They wanted Troy to be a sort of "blank-slate" her like Neo or Katniss Everdeen. You know, someone who doesn't show a lot of emotion so the viewer can project their own feelings onto the character easily.

The issue is they also gave Troy NO story beyond "I'm brooding and like teamwork...even though I'd rather be brooding" We see small moments of him being playful and silly with the other Rangers but I'm pretty sure those were just snuck in by Andrew Grey. We see how he is in real life and in small skits on his social media but Troy is NOTHING like this. It's kinda sad when the leader of the team is the most uninteresting. To me, that's the fault of the writing, not the actor.

