hottest Power Rangers couple

Chase (James Davies) and Riley (Michael Taber) would make the hottest couple on Power Rangers history 😍


Not a bad idea .

Sadly the show wants us to believe Chase is straight. I really hope we are not far away to see the first "out of the closet" homosexual Power Ranger . If the show doesn't want to be labelled as homophobic and wants to show the reality and tolerance (as it always has done with anyother aspect of life) is about time. Maybe in Ninja Steel, who knows.

About non-canon couples, I was a fan of Sky and Z (Power Rangers SPD). These two had so much chemistry, it was a pity they never had a kiss or something , at the end of the show it was hinted they shared some friendship moments together alone but nothing more.

About canon Power Rangers couples... Tyler and Shelby are cute this season, but I'm not sure Brennan Mejia and Camille Hyde will share the same unforgetable complicity Amy Jo Johnson and Jason David Frank had with their Tommy & Kimberly couple... nor their moments. I mean, Tommy and Kimberly were (and still are) the king and queen of EXPLICIT romance since the first season of the show. Have we ever seen something remotely similar to a REAL romance in Dino Charge with Tyler & Shelby? Tommy and Kim at least hugged, kissed eachother and showed some real romance moments: They were together as a couple for some years (that for being teenagers was A LOT) and their chemistry was great... specially in season 2 and in Power Rangers: The Movie (1995).

But I loved way more the canon couples of the villians!!; Lord Zedd & Rita Repulsa showed some rare unconditional love as well as great fun together. They were the typical marriage in which both jokingly yell to eachother, adn Zedd was so henpecked: plus they are still the only Power Rangers' couple who had a kid, and Jarod/Dai Shi & Camille (Power Rangers Jungle Fury) were really tender sharing heavy dosis of chemistry.

For the rest of the canon couples... I was never a fan of them (most of then felt forced and without chemistry): Nick & Madisson (Power Rangers Mystic Force), Lily & Theo (Power Rangers Jungle Fury), Princess Shayla & Merrick (Power Rangers Wild Force), Wes & Jen (Power Rangers Time Force), Cole & Alyssa (Power Rangers Wild Force), Adam & Tanya (Power Rangers ZEO) and the rest of them were not memorable in my opinion.


Sadly the show wants us to believe Chase is straight.

Chase is a fictional character. If the writers say he's straight, then he is. I don't know about the actor. Frankly I don't care. Either way, you're sounding heterophobic.

In the kingdom of the blind, you're the village idiot.


you're sounding heterophobic.

Let's roll some tits up the flagpole and see if anyone gets wood.


Wes & Jen? They were the best cannon couple in the series IMO Also liked Trent x Kira (Dino Thunder), Dustin x Marah (Ninja Storm).

One day in the year of the fox came a time remembered well...


Wes and Jen
Tommy and Kimberley
