Non-Stop Watching

Like all movies, Lifetime or not, I always find the beginning a little boring. Mostly to the fact that I have to get used to a new storyline and characters.

After I got used to it though, I couldn't stop watching! I turned this movie on while I was doing homework and didn't expect to end of getting entranced by it. I'm not too tough with judging movies; I like just about every movie I see.

I thought this movie was great and I'd recommend it to anyone that likes a good suspenseful movie. It kept me watching and I did not expect the plot twist at the end at all. Of course there's some romance, a little bit of action, and mystery. The qualities I like in a movie.

I would rate this an 8/10!


Yeah I loved it to especially the VERY ending ... I think that Sheriff Grady and Sandy will make a cute couple; at least he wasn't married and he was very cute as well.


think sheriff dude liked liked looking at those sassy photos of ann logan a bit too much...


