An IQ over 160

I've just watched Scorpion for the first time... I know that it is fiction. I am willing to ignore all the stereotypes and myths that the show perpetuates (being a genius doesn't mean that you can hack anything or that you need someone to help you communicate with the normal people)...

But I will complain about the references to "an IQ of 197", which I find very, very annoying. Most IQ tests (eg, the Weschler tests, WAIS, WISC, WPPSI) have a maximum possible score of 160. So... talking about an IQ of 197 is rather silly. What test provide a result of 197? Maybe there is one... but if it exists, an IQ of 197 in such test would be equivalent to an IQ of less than 160 in a standard IQ test.


Did you do a search, google or other, before you posted your comments? You would have if your IQ were above 160! 

..*.. TxMike ..*..
Sometimes I think we're alone in the universe, and sometimes not.


You're absolutely right about the Wechsler tests. You seem quite well versed on IQ testing.

I posted about this on a thread several months ago that has since expired. I'm a retired School Psychologist and my primary job was administering IQ tests, primarily the WISC and occasionally the WAIS or WPPSI. Actually, the Wechsler scale only goes up to 155, and the current Stanford-Binet (which has a standard deviation of 16 rather than 15 points) goes up to 160. It is appropriate to state, if someone had total raw scores that add up to more than needed to reach the top of the scale (which happens sometimes because the full IQ scores are based on the sums of several subtest scores) that the person has "an IQ of over 155" on the Wechsler scale or "over 160" on the Stanford-Binet scale. But it is not appropriate to extrapolate an IQ above those numbers, because the scores are normed against (or compared to) a statistical sampling of the general population of the USA based on census data. (Older editions of the Stanford-Binet went as high as 170 but are considered obsolete.)

Any tests claiming to yield scores above 160 are at best a crude estimation. More likely, theoretically any narcissist can make up a test to which only he or she knows all the answers, and thus being the only one who can answer those specific questions correctly can claim to be the smartest person in the world, but can't prove it because it's quite impossible to test all seven or so billion people in the world with the same test.

As a practical matter, anyone claiming a specific IQ number above 160 is just plain full of $h!t! And that includes Walter O'Brien.


The real walter o'brien was caught in a bunch of different lies when the show first came out. One of the things people were laughing about was his iq because there was no record of his test nor did he have a copy of his results, we were all supposed to just take it on his word. Yous should Googlehim, some of the things they say about his claims are actually pretty funny


The man is a fraud but the show is still entertaining, at least to me. 

In war, victory. In peace, vigilance. In death, sacrifice.


I thought the exact same thing as it is a well know fact all scores above an iq of 160 simply are refered to as an iq of 160+ and are supposed to be immeasurable.


yes, it's full of sh*t...still, the show is quite entertaining.... I guess we have to watch the show taking the "science" with a grain of salt.


yes, it's full of sh*t...still, the show is quite entertaining.... I guess we have to watch the show taking the "science" with a grain of salt.

That much salt would cause kidney failure!
