Anyone else hate Amber Ruffin?

I can't stand when Seth puts her in front of the camera. You can tell she thinks she's SO goddamn funny, and she's not. Always hamming it up for the camera. I've gotten to the point now that I just reach for the remote and turn the show off if/when she shows up. Seth: Your writers should stay behind the scenes where they belong! This chick is beyond fucking annoying.


Like Amber a lot -- very funny.

But what I don't like is that the show is so serious these days. Half the time I'm not sure what the difference is between the monolog and the news. And the seriousness continues on into the interviews. Yes, these are serious, crisis-filled times, but we have enough of that all day long. I'm looking for a chance to laugh and forget about all that, not get served even more of it.


Nope. Love Amber. She's fresh and funny. Sure, might get old sooner than later, like a lot of comedy, but I like her.
