MovieChat Forums > Banished (2015) Discussion > A Poem I wrote For Miss Joanna Vanderham

A Poem I wrote For Miss Joanna Vanderham

I have written this poem for Miss Vanderham. I hope that she will read it somehow. I'd be honored if she'd take the time, and let me know what she thinks of it - [email protected] Thank you.

Do you stop to watch the moon,
Lighting beauty through the night,
All I see there when I look,
Is the magic sparkle in your eyes.

Do you feel the sun shinning,
Warming rays that fill the air,
All I see now is the golden light,
Glowing softly through your hair.

Do you listen to the wind,
Making music with the trees,
All I hear is the tender sounds,
Of the Melodies you speak.

Do you ever watch the dawn,
Spreading new and Radiant light,
I can only see you smiling,
shinning brightly in my mind.

Have you ever touched a rose,
Caressing delicate and fine,
All I feel is the gentleness,
That could be your hand resting in mine.

Do you ever watch the sea,
crystal waves that hug the land
I often find I'm dreaming,
I'm with you sharing a dance.

Do you ever gaze at the stars,
And wonder how many worlds there are,
All I wonder when I see them now,
is if you are watching, near or far.

The clock may still tick by,
The night may shift to day,
But my Heart cannot lie,
And my thoughts remain the same.

I don't know if you will find this,
I can only hope you may,
And that you'll understand my feelings,
And you'll speak to me one day.

How can I ever find the words,
To tell you everything I feel,
Could you believe they're from my heart,
And there's nothing that's more real.

-Myles Thomas 23/03/14




I imagine she answered with NO.



I think someone is pranking in a very nasty way.

The OP has put his email address.
Surely nobody would do that with what is essentially a piece of public stalking?

I find it difficult to believe anyone would put this intimacy of feeling on a public forum.



All joking aside this is genuinely disturbing. I feel like someone should alert the police.



Well, in defense of the OP, she certainly has the kind of breathtaking beauty that compels men to write poems. Maybe posting them everywhere on the internet in hope to catch her interest isn't completely rational, but I find it more disturbing that everybody here thinks writing love poems to someone you admire is the same as being a creep, a stalker, a freak, a weirdo, etc. and call the police already.
Meanwhile, on every imdb page of every actress in the world, you find dozens of comments like "I would tear that ass" and even more replies like "yeah me too bro, that boobz, right?", and we don't see as many "creep" and "stalker" thrown at them, do we? In fact, most people seem to think it is perfectly appropriate and normal to write stuff like that in a forum. At least the OP put some effort into his praise.

In my opinion.


I agree with you. While it clearly makes some people uncomfortable, no crime is committed by him writing a poem that contains no graphic threat to a celebrity that he adores. Some females have posted declarations of intense love for rock stars and Twilight actors, but aren't met with this kind of suspicion.

Like you, I've seen forum and YouTube comments that graphically describe a male's sexual desire, and sometimes implied rape fantasy, of an attractive celebrity...but many people likely find a poem to be more threatening, since it's automatically associated with stalking which is definitely a proven threat to celebrity. Basic graphic comments are likely seen as the ego's lip-service or shared harmless fantasy.

Regardless, celebrities don't generally fall for someone that declares a public love for them when they've never even met the person or spent meaningful time with them. Usually, the non-celeb people that form successful relationships with celebrities - like Matt Damon's wife - were neither actively seeking them out, not declaring an unreciprocated love, nor claiming to be their "greatest fan". Their introduction is usually happenstance and the celebrity values the lack of worship and fantasy-based affection.

"Don't get chumpatized!" - The King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters (2007)


This is the only post the OP has made on every thread related to the actress in question. It's creepy and weird.

Don't let anyone ever make you feel like you don't deserve what you want.


This posting is très bizarre. What's more, it's dubious. It feels plagiarised. It smacks of having been ripped off and adapted. It's essentially trochaic with four feet per line, but then it goes wrong everywhere. It's as if one took a properly written décima and changed it up in order to call it one's own, but not knowing what one was doing, one spoilt the original metre. As well, we should expect one to know to use question marks throughout the first seven stanzas along with the tenth, never mind how to spell 'shining'. We might also expect one to have the necessary compunction to not be, as others put it, a 'creepy stalker', but we are actually not at all surprised you haven't, and we have long since given up on the proliferation of even a modicum of social graces into the electronic age, into this medium of modernity. So well done on being a loon and a buffoon, if a derivative one.
