Saw this at the Chicago Film festival

I really wanted to like it. It kept me interested and had me jumping(although the jump scare music/loud sound was overused at times) but the end was so disappointing. Literally not one question that was raised was answered.
1: Why was the girl's hair floating when Chi(?) looked at her sometimes.
2: Why was she acting like she didn't know how he knew the information about her boyfriend from the night before?
3: Why did they run away from the gas mask people when his childhood friend said that he's going to save them?
4: Why was the call they got in morse code with David Bowie lyrics?
5: How did that one guy catch on fire
6: Why was it red rain.
I have other questions but I forgot them

My original theory was that they got into a car accident and they were dying off in the order they died in the accident.

My new theory is that somehow they time jumped 6 years. Everything is evacuated because of the nuclear meltdown and thats why there were dust on somethings. And they were dying off from the radiation poison(even though it doesn't explain why some were getting sicker than others). The gas mask people somehow found out people were in the area and they went to rescue them but they ran away. ~But then the guys gf said that they found them because of an explosion at the mountain~


This is a political film about Hong Kong disguised as a thriller mystery. David Bowie is a English singer, Hong Kong was a British colony. China's flag color is red. Hong Kong used to be owned by China, and China believes they are "saving" Hong Kong by taking it back from British rule. Try to connect the rest of the dots yourself.


"Try to connect the rest of the dots yourself."

thanks, but no thanks.


Like he/she said: thanks, but no thanks. Not enough (any?) breadcrumbs.


I read your post in the other thread. Thought it was *beep* there, too.

It's a metaphor for how all asians are an infectious plague....every single one of the characters was an example of one asian stereotype or another.....and if they aren't all killed off with nuclear weapons, we'll all squirt blood from our vaginas, rape dead women, and burst into flames.

You need to watch more cartoons, dude.

Yeah, that was sarcasm. It's a metaphor for something or other, I'm sure.

All pseudointellectuals must hang...
