MovieChat Forums > Bosch (2014) Discussion > Season 2- Disappointing. Spoilers

Season 2- Disappointing. Spoilers

Spoilers ahead

I'm seeing a lot of praise for season 2. I do think it's better than season 1, but I can't get over how stupid Nash's gang is. They have big plans for Irving's kid, because he's Irving's kid. They're going to use his access. However, they never think of any alternatives in case George was actually Internal Affairs? Why were they so bloody confident? They didn't even make Irving kill anyone as some sort of initiation, they just had him throw his weight around before they introduced him to the rest of the gang.

Nash just up and eliminates the Assistant Chief's kid when they know, for a fact, Internal Affairs is now on to them? It would have been terrible luck for them for Irving to die on the Nash gang's watch anyway, because of the heightened scrutiny, but to actually immediately arrange for it themselves? Pretty silly. And then they're happy to eliminate Arsenault, the George's partner, because even though he was bringing Irving in, he had apparently been looking to leave for a long time and was pressuring Nash for his payout. If they were willing to kill Arsenault anyway, the halfway smart thing to do was freeze Irving out, give him crap to do, stick him with Arsenault and have Arsenault have an unfortunate accident or pay him off. Then tell Irving you're rolling up the operation and good luck. Offing Irving at the first sign of trouble was just asking for it and pretty bad for an operation successfully operating on the down low.


I think the idea is that Nash gave no *beep* he just wanted his money. And if he had to kill an ia mole and arsenault (who couldn't keep his mouth shut) to get it, then so be it. Plus, if there is a mole, that's proof that they've been found out and now it's time to get the money and get out. The 2 dead cops were the only things standing in between Nash and his payday.
