How big is Asgard?

I was just wondering. If Surtur, a monster the size of King Kong, can destroy the entire planet. And all the planet's people could escape in that spaceship.


Asgard looks like a flat plain with water falling off the side. A flat earthers dream.


Depends on who it's for. If it was for Kim Kardashian, it would probably have to be the size of a house.

Oh wait, you said Asgard. Never mind.


Probably a base population of a few thousand, the size of a human small town, few enough to use a small town on the Norwegian coast as cover. Probably at any given time a certain number of Asgardians are offworld, and by the time they all boarded that ship the population had been reduced a bit.

Asgard is physically very small, and they're practically immortal... they must have such a low birthrate that there's probably less than a baby a century.
