MovieChat Forums > Thor: Ragnarok (2017) Discussion > Doctor Strange in Thor 3?

Doctor Strange in Thor 3?

What do you think the post credits of doctor strange depicts?


No idea haven't seen it yet thanks for spoilers.

What's missing in movies is same as in society: a good sense of work ethic and living up to ideals.


You're the one who decided to click on this post.


Usually it's the next film after it isn't it? In this case that would be something from Guardians of the Galaxy 2.


This thread needs a spoiler tag.

Anyway, the after credit scenes sometime reference the next MCU film but not always. Most of the Phase One movies had lead-ins to the Avengers aside from Iron Man 2. Cap 2 had a lead-in to Civil War, Age of Ultron has a lead-in to Infinity War, Civil War had a lead-in to Spider-Man Homecoming, etc. There's a chance Dr Strange's after credits scene leads into Thor Ragnarok even though the next film is Guardians of the Galaxy 2.


i think they prefer to keep those guardians movies self contained if there is any link to the others in guardians it will be the set up fotr them to come to earth an help out against thanos in avengers 3


Well the first GOTG did have an Infinity Stone and actually dealt with Thanos involvement more than any film involving the Avengers or Avenger solo films. At this point, only Thor suspects his involvement, although I don't yet think Thor knows who Thanos is or that he's directly involved.


Well the first GOTG did have an Infinity Stone and actually dealt with Thanos involvement more than any film involving the Avengers or Avenger solo films. At this point, only Thor suspects his involvement, although I don't yet think Thor knows who Thanos is or that he's directly involved.


i think they prefer to keep those guardians movies self contained if there is any link to the others in guardians it will be the set up fotr them to come to earth an help out against thanos in avengers 3

But Thor: Dark World set up GOTG by introducing The Collector.



In the post-credits scene for Doctor Strange, Thor visits Strange. Strange tells him that it's his job to defend the Earth against otherworldly beings, like Loki.

Thor tells Strange that he needs Loki to help him look for his father. So Strange says that he better help Thor look for Odin so Loki will leave Earth more quickly.

In other words, looks like Dr. Strange will definitely be in Thor 3!


Thats not a for sure thing though.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


Based on how it was set up, it's extremely likely Strange will be in Ragnarok.

"Lives with no meaning go straight past you, like trains that don’t stop at your station."


I haven't seen Doctor Strange yet but how much of the film do you think he'll be in this film is packed? A cameo or 'glorified' cameo? I see he's on the cast list.


Less than Parker/Spider-Man was in Civil War, but probably the same amount as Sharon Carter was in that.


For sure?


He'd have a least a scene dedicated to him.


He will be in the beginning part where they're on Earth looking for Odin. Then they will leave Earth and Strange behind. So maybe twenty minutes?


Glorified cameo. Cumberbatch never went to Australia during the filming so any scenes he shot were done elsewhere without the full cast available.


Oh I think it is.


Yeah you are probably right.

Lose the Game!!!!!!!


The thing that made me scratch my head about the scene was the fact that Thor needs Loki to help him find Odin on Earth. Well, presumably, Loki is the one who sent him there. Shouldn't he have a rough idea of where Odin is?


Well Odin has legs and we don't know how much time past.

Loki is also the trickster so even if he knew, why would he tell Thor where they should go right a way?


I don't think it was necessarily Loki who sent Odin to earth, he's not really powerful enough to do that without help. I think it's more likely that Hela has taken control of Asgard by force from Loki and has sent a weakened Odin to earth herself, leaving Loki with no choice but to help Thor.


It felt to me that this was a completed scene from Thor 3, just like the extra scene in Ant-Man ended up being a scene already shot for Civil War.

Please don't call someone a _____tard.


It felt to me that this was a completed scene from Thor 3, just like the extra scene in Ant-Man ended up being a scene already shot for Civil War.

I have a feeling that this will be the case.

"Lives with no meaning go straight past you, like trains that don’t stop at your station."


Saw Dr. Strange. Will give no spoilers but loved it. Post blurb was interesting seeing the filming that was going on in Queensland recently.


I finally got to see it. It certainly looks like Strange will have a scene in the next Thor. As there was no time for build up to this scene with Strange and Thor, I'm assuming that there will be a lot more explaining of how this meeting came about. As when we last saw Thor, he thought Loki was dead and his father was ruling Asgard.

Also it would be fun if there was a scene in Ragnarok including Strange with Thor AND Loki.


Cumberbatch is in the TR credits, so he's definitely in the film.

And we probably *will* get to see Strange, Thor, and Loki together - at least for a few moments.


Sweet. I want to see Strange and Loki try to out-magic each other.

07/08/06... 786... the sentinel of Allah has arrived.


I think that Cumberbatch and Hiddleston are good friends in real life.


Put Doctor Strange in all the movies.

Arthur, put the kettle on and dig out those lemon hand wipes.
