
Do you guys like the idea of hela being death also. I was hoping for lady death herself not just hela being the 2 combined. What do you guys think??


Love it, but I admit I am incredibly biased because I'm a massive Cate Blanchett fan and I'm all for her being in Infinity War as well as Ragnarok. The more Cate in the MCU the better if you ask me.

It honestly makes the most sense from a storytelling perspective too. Why introduce a whole new death themed female character only two movies after you've already featured one (played by one of the most gifted actresses on the planet) as a major villain? Yes, I'm well aware that the two characters have very different power levels in the comics (one is a death goddess, the other a cosmic being who is death personified), but this isn't the comics, it's the MCU where nothing is a completely faithful adaption of the source material. Kevin Feige was actually asked about the whole Hela/Death rumour recently and he cryptically commented that knowledge of the comics isn't always helpful when it comes to the MCU.

Having Hela fill Mistress Death's role ties the movies together better. Also, introducing the idea of Thanos being obsessed with Hela and that being his motivation behind collecting the Infinity Stones in Ragnarok saves incredibly valuable exposition time in Infinity War which is already having to juggle an insane amount of characters and plot culminations.


So could you see her dying in the thor movie and then being lady death in infinity war and they could say that's why Thanos helped loki because he was in love with loki's daughter and that is why he gave loki the stone to begin with. That to me would be worth it keeping cate and having the arc come full circle.


Nah, just make her a good villain. The MCU needs more than Loki.

The villainy you teach me I will execute-and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction.
