MovieChat Forums > Thor: Ragnarok (2017) Discussion > thank god odin is alive after all

thank god odin is alive after all

i was almost dead certain loki actually killed him at the end of the dark world


It'd be a crappy way to remove Hopkins from the proceedings.

What's missing in movies is same as in society: a good sense of work ethic and living up to ideals.


Where did you hear this?

Either way Hopkins probably has to come back even if he does not care to play Odin. Loki will be portraying Odin at one point in the movie.


the ending of the dark world implied loki may have killed him


Or trapped him in another Odin sleep, perhaps had Hela take him too.


oh true i completely forgot about what happened to him in the first movie


I'm guessing he's in an eternal battle with Surtur, as in the comics/myth.

07/08/06... 786... the sentinel of Allah has arrived.


Spoiler warning for all upcoming marvel movies.

No, it's not a Rickroll. I promise. ;)


We didn't see this scene but after it was revealed that Loki was in-fact talking to Thor near the end of Thor 2, Odin walks in and Loki makes a run for it laughing is head off but of course Odin sees this and calls him a Knobhead.


LOL so loki was just being a prankster that entire time?


So Odin is either dead, or indisposed in some other sort of way, or just happened to be out of the throne room when Loki was impersonating him. I hadn't considered that third option, it was just a little too ominous at the end of TDW to really consider, but if Loki's just a trickster, maybe playing this angle would work better than doing the bulk of his own dirty work.

I think I know precisely what I mean when I say it's a shpadoinkle day!


As if Loki would dare to kill Odin.




Isn't it possible that it is still just Loki imitating him?


i said this months ago why no one listen to me ??? odin however dies / ascension into another realm giving odin force to Thor, i would have preferred sacrificing part of himself to gain Odin power but females won't be happy Thor loosing an eye nor limbs lol.


oh my apologies i actually didn't see your post


lol. well unless you have a time to check whole Ragnorak board for comments you won't see my comment.


surely you mean 'thank the gods that odin is alive after all'

best so far this year:
The Revenant (2015)
A Gorgeous Girl Like Me (1972)




Had a thought.

Both Thor's start with an opening narration explaining the universe from the Asgardian perspective. Thor 3 - Starts with Odin's voice in narration talking about Asgard and how 'the end of the world is nigh' and then the camera pans to an old dude with an eye patch dressed as a homeless bum trying to educate the people of mid-gard on the street. Thinking he's crazy they all give him a wide berth.

Not going to happen, but it would be a funny and different take on the previous 2 movie openings.


For a while I was wondering if Sam Neill was going to replace him;don't ask me how, I don't know...

Whatever you are, be a good one.
