Cooking in a morgue

I'll say up front that Liv's 'brain cuisine' montage near the top of the ep is usually my favorite sequence, since I love cooking and checking out new recipes.

But it does make me wonder the probability of a kitchen, let alone a fully equipped one, being allowed in a mortuary.

There's all kinds of risk for contamination and I get that it benefits the world of the show but anyone who walks in there and sees the MEs gabbing over lunch with a cadaver just a couple of feet away will go, 'WTF?!'



I'll say up front that Liv's 'brain cuisine' montage near the top of the ep is usually my favorite sequence, since I love cooking and checking out new recipes.

But it does make me wonder the probability of a kitchen, let alone a fully equipped one, being allowed in a mortuary.

There's all kinds of risk for contamination and I get that it benefits the world of the show but anyone who walks in there and sees the MEs gabbing over lunch with a cadaver just a couple of feet away will go, 'WTF?!'
Not really, its a morgue not an abattoir and has been pointed out before its kept meticulously clean.


I hate those scenes makes me kind of queasy and I just fast forward right through them.


Why do you get queasy? The "brains" couldn't look more fake. Its clearly gelatin, like the kind you find in candy. I read somewhere before the producers go out of their way to make the brains not look realistic so it doesn't gross people out because that isn't what this show is about.


I get what you're saying but it's the same feeling I would get if if someone was eating fecal matter on television even though I know it's fake.


In the 1980s, when I was still a med student, we had several autopsy room 'parties', where we would eat, drink, and yes ...prepare hot dogs, surrounded by about 30-40 'more or less' decaying human bodies. Just imagine dancing to "Thriller" on and around the autopsy tables. Spending 10-16 hrs a week with dead bodies, it was just a way to relieve the stress btw and not meant to insult anyone.


Who do you think would make better meals out of brains? Liv or Hannibal Lector?
