What did I miss?

I didn't think I'd missed any episodes (or maybe my memory is shot) but apparently I have. what was Stevie doing working in/near Russell's office, said something about coming in for a reference(?)? Thanks in advance for the help.


Stevie had announced her decision made earlier to pursue the path of an Ivy Law School a couple of episodes back. Russell happens to be an alumnus of that particular School. Easy choice for THE reference letter. But he had been very busy, continually postponing the interview. Someone, I forgot who, suggested she plant herself near Russell's office to get the interview and reference letter.


Is it the Devil in the whiskey, or is it the Devil in him? -- ???


Thanks Cosmic. The.part about Stevie deciding to pursue law school sounds familiar, but I don't recall the rest of it. Either I missed an ep or maybe it was one of those times when I was fooled by the VCR.


"(T)he rest of it." was contextual background. She was like a bottle floating in the ocean - inconsequential and deferred to higher priorities. For those of us looking for those rare bottles, these moments stand out.


Is it the Devil in the whiskey, or is it the Devil in him? -- ???
