MovieChat Forums > Madam Secretary (2014) Discussion > Hillary isn't going to be president

Hillary isn't going to be president

They can stop with this bs now


You're right. Bernie Sanders will be President


As long as some of Hillary's and Bernie's supporters won't stop with their childish "If Hillary doesn't get the nomination, I won't go to vote at the election!"/"If Bernie doesn't get the nomination, I won't go to vote at the election!" litany, neither candidate of the democratic party will win and then Trump will be POTUS. The Democrats need to realize that they have to unite if they want to prevent that Trump moves into the White House. It's already scary enough that Trump could get this far and become the official candidate of the Republicans.

House to Wilson about Cuddy: She is not some floozy in a bar. She is the floozy I work for.


Thank you for your insight. What this has to do with a fictional TV show I have no idea.


Lol same thing I thought!


Or she just might...


If Carson & Trump decide to run as independent candidates,it might happen.

Grands...Glad to see you come and glad to see you go


They loosely based Madam Secretary after Clinton's run as Secretary of State and it's a cool premise for a show. I enjoy Madam Secretary but what I don't buy is how cozy the family is at all times, despite gruelling work schedules. In real life, Clinton was on travel status in other countries. A lot. Her one child was already an adult. There is no way someone in that position has as much time with their family.

As for Hilary Clinton, I prefer Bernie Sanders but he won't get nominated by the Dems because he's far too much on the left for even the Dems. Who will Clinton run against? No matter who she runs against, I think she will win by default because the Republicans don't have a viable candidate, sorry but that's my opinion. I watched the whole 11 hours of the Benghazi congressional hearing (and I'm a Canadian) and she is hands down the most experienced and capable leader for your country. Love her or hate her, the situation the world is in right now, you want someone who is knowledgeable about the world and domestic affairs and knows how to maintain relationships with both parties. I hope for the best outcome for my american neighbours.


...she is hands down the most experienced and capable leader for your country. Love her or hate her, the situation the world is in right now, you want someone who is knowledgeable about the world and domestic affairs and knows how to maintain relationships with both parties.

Well said, friend from the North. She has my vote.

If, by some hideous disaster, Trump wins ... can I come live with you?

"You're so analytical! Sometimes you just have to let art... flow... over you." The Big Chill


If, by some hideous disaster, Trump wins ... can I come live with you

ha ha YES!


ME too Tree_Woman

It is not so much the destination as the journey!!!


Please, by all means. Don't let the border patrol hit you in the ass.


Have you moved since then or pulled a Dunham?

Your cute 🐈 will DIE eating dry food! Go to Dr. Pierson's
CATINFO.ORG to prevent it!


They are all talk and no walk.

My Chimp DNA seems to have lost its password temporarily. Sluggr-2


Americans don't vote for who makes the most sense?

Obama was extremely inexperienced when he won. Yes things weren't as dire then but that really doesn't matter.

I think Hillary will win the Dem nom but lose the presidency. That is unless Trump gets the Republican nom - then Hillary has a chance.


If Carson & Trump decide to run as independent candidates,it might happen.

Clinton is already the odds on favorite to win. If Trump, Carson or my god both decided to run as third party candidates, Clinton could slip into a coma today, wake up the day before the election, and still win in a major landslide.


You're delusional.


Things were more dire in 2008 than today. Bush had destroyed the world economy, squandered American prestige in international affairs and embroiled America in two wars.

Bush was so incompetent that Americans were sick of Republicans. John McCain hurt himself with his bizarre response to the economic collapse, and his puzzling choice of a superstitious, incompetent, imbecile as his running mate raised profound questions about his judgment and his sanity.

Obama ran on change, and America needed a change after Bush. Bush was a disaster, and will be remembered as the worst President in history, unless we make the mistake of putting Donald Trump in office.

Made you look!


I would think Donald would have a difficult time getting the female vote. I can't see him winning. I think he's doing this just to get his face in the news.

I still don't see Hillary winning. People are tired of Obama. That could translate to some hate for Dems in general. Hillary also has a lot of baggage. Her husbands scandals (not fair she get's knocked down for this but that's how it is), her age, her being a woman which unfortunately does hurt her chances, her own scandals, and she is a very polarizing character with many despising her.


If Hillary wins she will later be known as the Last Female US President. Much like our Thatcher is over here. Women voters need to become aware of that. It isn't important just to get someone through the gate, the character of the person matters more.

Vote for continued gridlock in 2016. No government is better than bad government.



They loosely based Madam Secretary after Clinton's run as Secretary of State and it's a cool premise for a show.

Other than both Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth McCord both being women, I don't see any similarities. Their professional and personal backgrounds are totally different from each other.

The "woman" thing isn't enough to convince me that they based her on Clinton. You may as well say they based Elizabeth on Madeleine Albright, but even that alleged similarity is dubious at best.


Tea Leoni/Elizabeth McCord is far too pretty and intelligent to be a Hillary Clinton stand-in. Did you guys know that Hillary Clinton was too dumb to pass the Washington, D.C. bar exam?

"I like simple pleasures like butter in my ass and lollipops in my mouth." - Floyd Gondolli


Hillary loves Madam Sec. So far she is the only one I'd vote for.



Trump is a very successful businessman. The US is a business, run by big business who owns and controls the media. Trump WILL be the next president, even if every registered voter votes for Hillary.

Trump can't "push the button" or call out the marines without US big business permission, so don't worry.

Frankly, I'm embarrassed to be a us citizen now that Trump is president. He's a clown.


The US government is not a business. It cannot be run by a businessman. It is a government. Trump has a big surprise if he thinks he can run the US government like a business. The job of president is much more limited, by something called The Constitution.

I am not sure Mr. Trump realizes how limited he would be by: 1. Congress, 2. The Supreme Court, and 3. The Secret Service. He cannot make a law, he cannot make a decision without congressional approval. Once the decision is made it can be challenged by the Supreme Court. He cannot made a move, especially out side the White House without clearance from the Secret Service.

From what I have observed, Mr. Trump is confusing the role of President of the United States with that of dictator.

Oh, and he is not a very successful businessman. Check out his record. Warren Buffet is a very successful businessman. The Koch brothers are very successful businessmen. Donald Trump is not that successful. He is full of hot air. Lots of ideas that have no where to go. They are impossible within the structure of the Constitution.

Ignorance is the enemy of civilization


Hillary will win but most likely will be a 1 term president.


I love posts like this, because YOU ARE CLUELESS.

Trumps cabinet is pure businessman/businesswomen.

He has congress 100% behind him. Also the senate and the supreme court. The Republicans can push virtually anything they want. In 18 months time, when there are democrats with more to lose. If Trump does everything he says he will in first 100 days. Repubs can bet on getting a majority of those democrat seats. The Dems will have no power base.

Trump is 100% smarter than you. He knows how to work the system. Everyone saying he'll get impeached is utter stupid.

So lets recap.

Rep. has the Presidency, Congress and Senate and Supreme Court. Trump will be appointing a conservative to fill that justice position and there may be another vacant slot to fill due to retirement. Trump will appoint that one as well.

In 2 years time, more elections. Repub will get more of a majority.

In 2018, Trump will be unstoppable.

Oh and right now, there is a 20K almost at the DOW. Seems like businesses have rallied to Trump and like what he is wanting to do.

Oh and Trump is PRO Constitution not like the democrats.

One last thing. Barry was a community organiser who did everything through Executive Decision and didn't know how to run the country. Trump has congress 100% behind him and everything he'll do, will be in LAW.

That's the difference between Barry and Trump. You democrats are loser and morons.

Are you an SJW ? If so, please kill yourself immediately! Thanks


Excuse me, but I am not clueless.

Yes Trump's cabinet choices are all business people. The problem with that is the government is not a business. These people may know how to run a business; however they need to know how to govern and this is a very different thing. The primary objective of business is to make a profit. The primary objective of government is to take care of the needs of the people. The people need, among other things, national defense, interstate infrastructure, crisis intervention for large scale disasters, immigration control, foreign relations, commerce, research and development, education, etc.

The GOP, including the Senate and House Of Representatives is far from 100% behind the President-elect. The leaders have made it clear they are not 100% behind Mr. Trump and are far from happy with the outcome of the election. His proposals do not have a guaranteed pass through Congress and Congress will always have to worry about their own reelections. In the Senate, you also have the filibuster to contend with.

I doubt that Mr. Trump is 100% smarter than I am. I have a Ph.D. He is very good at manipulating the system and conning people. I know someone who worked closely with him, so I have direct knowledge. He is as smart as a used car salesman. Yes he knows how to work the system. That does not really make him smart, just manipulative under the right conditions.

He does not know the Constitution and apparently neither do his supporters. Otherwise he and those who supported him would have realized he is unable to carry out his campaign promises because of the limitation of the office. He cannot build a wall, he cannot deport people, he cannot overturn laws, these and other things he wants to do are not within the powers of the president.

He does not have Congress and the Supreme Court in his control. Try doing some research and looking past what Mr. Trump says. Like I said he is a supreme manipulator.

Mr. Trump is not or never will be unstoppable. At some point in time he will have to realize he is not a king or a dictator. He is not CEO of the country. He is the president. The head of one of the three branches of our government, designed by our founders to be the weakest branch. He is already in trouble because he will not divest himself of his financial assets. Giving control to his children is not good enough. It is unconstitutional for a president to make a profit from being president. He is already courting impeachment.

Many of our presidents were very wealthy. Washington, Jefferson, both Roosevelts, Kennedy, both Bushes just to name a few. President Kennedy did not take a salary. None of them thought they had the power of a king or dictator. None of them thought people were not permitted to criticize them. They did not get insulted when someone disagreed with them. They knew the First Amendment guaranteed freedom of speech as part of the democratic process. Presidents need to have people around them who disagree with them in order to govern. Dictators and kings reign without hearing a word of disagreement. Presidents do not their power is not absolute. They do not reign, they govern. Mr. Trump's numerous tweets aimed at people who he feels disagree with him or whom he feels have insulted him or Vice President-elect Pence are worry some. These are not even very important people, in my opinion. They are certainly not of the stature of Mr. Trump or Mr. Pence. They are entertainers. The cast of the play "Hamilton" or "Saturday Night Live". I wonder how Mr. Trump will react when important people disagree with him, people who are foreign leaders. People who will be his peers. President Obama had to repair our relationship with most of the world because of the damage done by President Bush. The world loved the Obamas because they were gracious, kind, and respectful to foreign leaders. They developed friendships with many of our allies. I hope Mr. and Mrs. Trump can continue these cordial, friendly relationships with our allies. The world is no longer a place where we can be isolationist and survive economically and culturally.

As far as the Democrats being pro Constitution. Most Democratic Presidents have advanced degrees. Most are lawyers, except President Carter who has a Ph.D in Nuclear Engineering. President Obama is a lawyer. He is also a former Professor of Constitutional Law at the University Of Chicago, former State Senator and former US Senator. His name is not Barry it is President Obama.

That is the difference between President Obama and President-Elect Trump.
The difference between you and me is, I am educated and civil and while I know nothing about your level of education, you do not seem very educated, you seem to rely on right wing propaganda for your information and you are definitely not civil.

I sincerely hope that our country is in good hands with President-elect Trump. He will be our president on January 20 and for all of us and for all of the world, I wish him great success. I also wish that the sniping at President Obama would stop. It accomplishes nothing.

Dr. Erlich
Ignorance is the enemy of civilization


Being educated doesn't mean you are smart. Smart people have a lot of money, educated people have pocket protectors. Been that way for decades.

My Chimp DNA seems to have lost its password temporarily. Sluggr-2


Hi Slugger-3

Actually you cannot be educated unless you are "smart". However the word has several definitions. Smart can mean intelligent. You need to be intelligent in order to benefit from an advanced education, book smart. Then there is emotional intelligence, being emotionally smart. That is when you know how to keep your emotions under control and not allow them to overwhelm you and behave in a thoughtless way. One can also be mechanically smart or intelligent. Where would we be without the people who can build, maintain, or repair our machines and devices? Another one I would like to mention is street smart. These are people who can negotiate their way through the world and be successful with very little training or education. It is mostly instinctive and personality based.

I am intelligent and have an advanced education, a PhD. I am also emotionally intelligent. I do not desire to have a lot of money. My main goal in life is to help people. That is why I am a psychologist. That is why I object when people call my practice a business. The primary goal of a business is to earn a profit. My primary goal is to help people. I am smart enough to do this successfully. I am smart enough to have done original research that yielded new information that was important to the well being and health of people.

I believe that the smart people who have a lot of money, that you are talking about are the street smart people. They may have other types of smartness, but they definitely have street smartness. They also have little or no empathy. They tend to care for their own needs above all others and are profit driven. They care little for who they harm on their way up the ladder. In fact they see this as "just doing business". They tend have sociopathic personalities and are thin skinned and bombastic.

By the way, no one wears pocket protectors any more. We have smart phones, ipads, and computers like everyone else. The difference is the way we use them.

Dr. Erlich

Ignorance is the enemy of civilization


Very well said Doc.

I and millions of others have said the same thing. America is NOT a business nor should it be run like one.

They who give up liberty to
obtain a temporary safety deserve
neither liberty or safety


Hi Daytona Bob,

Thank you.

This is what makes these times so dangerous. Our country is about to be turned over to a businessman who wants to fill his cabinet with business people. None of these people have the slightest idea how to govern. The president-elect dies not even know that this is a problem. He seems to believe that a president is a CEO. He also seems to believe that being president is a part time job. He plans to continue working in some of his other jobs. His method of communicating with the American people is through twitter. This is scary. He is a man who was elected to a job and he has no idea what that job entails. I am also afraid he does not want to know, but wants to do it his way. However, we do have a Constitution and he is not a king. My question is what will it take for him to realize this?

Ignorance is the enemy of civilization
