
I can overlook minor plot holes such as the fact the when LBJ was Vice President that he did not live in the Vice President's mansion because the VP did not get an official residence until Nelson Rockefeller moved in. Also, Argentina does not have a prime minister.

However, I cannot overlook one thing that Hollywood misses too many times. In a federal detention facility, officers NEVER carry weapons inside of the facility for the very reason that Olga disarmed to officer when she started the fire. She plays her part well. I know this because I am a retired Federal Bureau Of Prisons corrections officer of 22 years. That is a definite no no. Good show otherwise and not to be taken seriously, just good old entertainment.


honestly till this day i think writers put these plot holes or mistakes on purpose just to help those idiots know that it's a fictional story and a movie/series.


You could be right.
