MovieChat Forums > Race (2016) Discussion > Sudekis' "It's just noise" speech quite ...

Sudekis' "It's just noise" speech quite powerful

That scene where he's telling Jesse and the other track team guys to ignore the racist yelling of the OSU football team was great - the way Sudekis delivered it, the editing to show how volume can be blocked out. The movie itself was lumpy but that was a truly inspiring scene (and Sudekis really graduated from comedy to being a strong dramatic actor with this film; he should be proud).


I thought the film's overall editing was awkward and more functional than artistic, but yes, that scene was great.

I started paying more attention to Jason Sudeikis in "Sleeping with Other People" and am glad to see that he's got drama chops. I wonder if he'd be convincing as a scientist or public defender.
