MovieChat Forums > Race (2016) Discussion > The world revolved around Berlin in 1936

The world revolved around Berlin in 1936

Honestly, Jesse Owens' four gold medals in the summer games were but a footnote among current events of the day. I doubt this movie will really capture how the world really seemed that summer.

Germany was clearly swinging into world power status. The 1936 Olympics (both winter and summer) were beautifully choreographed and captured on film by Leni Riefenshtahl. The games hosted more countries that summer than ever before, and the workings of the German state were showcased for athletes, celebrities and media outlets alike. There were whimpers of protests (Turkey, Spain, USSR boycotted the games) but they were drowned out by massive worldwide acclaim.

I did some research in my local library archives and discovered the mayor of my town (Jamestown, N.Y.) went on a fact-finding mission that summer across Germany. He was seeking to municipalize the utility, sanitation and dairy production of the town. The opinoin held by most was that Germany was getting things done.

American olympians went home to America, which seemed on the brink of collapse. The first phase of the New Deal was considered a failure, there was near rebellion against the National Recovery Act in the heartland and numerous banks closed that autumn. That year proved to be the absolute depths of the misery of the Great Depression.

The Beijing Olympics of 2008 had nothing on the pageantry and awe that was displayed in 1936. The world was convinced a world power was on the rise.

"I can't help but notice that there are skulls all over everything. Are we the baddies?"


Oh excuse me, looks like you forgot a line or two. Here I'll help:

And then nine years later, everyone realized that Nazi Germany was a paper tiger that was simply in possession of the greatest propaganda machine in world history and whose limitations as a world power were further exacerbated by the leadership of a petulant tyrant who committed suicide rather than facing judgement for his crimes against humanity when the Third Reich collapsed just twelve years after its creation while the United States became one of the two superpowers that emerged after WW2.

What's missing in movies is same as in society: a good sense of work ethic and living up to ideals.


And then nine years later, everyone realized that Nazi Germany was a paper tiger that was simply in possession of the greatest propaganda machine in world history and whose limitations as a world power were further exacerbated by the leadership of a petulant tyrant who committed suicide rather than facing judgement for his crimes against humanity when the Third Reich collapsed just twelve years after its creation while the United States became one of the two superpowers that emerged after WW2.

Very true. America was shortly thereafter on the rise. But this movie is about the events of 1936. As it were, Jesse Owens did have a very successful life after the Olympics, either.

"I can't help but notice that there are skulls all over everything. Are we the baddies?"


1. We don't know exactly what happened to Hitler.

2. The Numemburg Trials have as much validity as the Salem Witch Trials.

3. Germany didn't collapse 'just twelve years later'. They were invaded, had destruction never before seen in recorded history rained upon them, and conquered.

Stop believing in easily disprovable commonly believed myths. Research for yourself, and think for yourself.


1.Hitler commited suicide in his Bunker in Berlin in 1945.

2.Yeah, people like Goering and Striecher were such innocents.

3.After Germany had invaded other countries, and murdered about 15 to 20 Million people.

4. Why don't you imitate your beloved Fuerhrer and go shoot yourself? One less Nazi to plague the earth.

I'll Teach You To Laugh At Something's That's Funny
Homer Simpson


You're dishonest, delusional, and malignant. Not someone with which a reasonable intelligent discussion can be had.


According to the Reds, the world revolved around Moscow in 1936. With a lot of American help, the Red Army would go on to confirm that this was actually so.



A good chuck of its population was starving to death -- we're talking millions of people -- in 1936.

I couldn't believe when I read his filmography that he played a toilet (no joke) in According to Jim
