Eh, maybe it's just me, but I never figured we would be getting it next year anyway considering Iron Fist S1 and Defenders were slated to come out before DD S3 was announced as it was.

So I'm not really sure I would call this a 'delay' - pretty sure they were upfront after S2 was released that any subsequent seasons of DD would wait until the rest of the current slate of the Netflix MCU shows was released (I'd have to go back and check on that, though)


Agent Hill: ...Then aliens invaded New York and were beaten back, by among others, a giant green monster, a costumed hero from the 40's.... and a god.

Agent Ward: I don't think Thor is technically a god.

Hill: haven't been near his arms.

~Agents of SHIELD; Season 1 Episode 1 "Pilot"


You're right. Daredevil needs a break.

Charlie Cox in the mean time can work with Marvel Studios 


Especially considering DD2 was essentially a bonus anyway. The original (in pencil) plan was to do one season of each then the Defenders event, then go from there. Not that they didn't consider they might get second seasons in for some characters.

I'm sure they have a rough outline of what brings them together and trying to squeeze in more additional solo seasons just complicates that.

Bring on LC, IF and Defenders!

Reading my signature constitutes admission that I am correct. (Too late)


Well, it makes sense. They need to get the other 'defenders' shows out and built up. We need season two of Jessica Jones, we're just getting season one is Luke Cage, we haven't even got season one of Iron Fist. This actually makes sense.



If they keep it like the comics, there won't be a Season 2 of Jessica Jones.

If anything, her and Luke Cage would be the same show for Season 2 (and Danny Rand, for that matter).

Daredevil is the only one of the four that really has a decent amount of solo material in the comics.


f they keep it like the comics, there won't be a Season 2 of Jessica Jones.

Pretty sure they've already confirmed JJ is getting a Season 2. Just because something is one way in the comics does not mean they have to keep it that way for live action.


Agent Hill: ...Then aliens invaded New York and were beaten back, by among others, a giant green monster, a costumed hero from the 40's.... and a god.

Agent Ward: I don't think Thor is technically a god.

Hill: haven't been near his arms.

~Agents of SHIELD; Season 1 Episode 1 "Pilot"


It's confirmed. Season 2 will be filming back-to-back with The Defenders, and will be released after the crossover series.

Sorry if my linguistic skills aren't good enough. English is not my first language.


Nobody suggested otherwise, but in this case they will be completely making it up as they go (which they have NOT done with any of the other characters or shows).

The problem is she only existed as comic character for what was a "one-shot" book, and she decides being a hero is not for her at the end. The entire rest of her existence is being the mother of Luke Cage's child.

I guess this will be their first truly original stuff? Let's see how Netfilx handles it.


If they keep it like the comics, there won't be a Season 2 of Jessica Jones.

If anything, her and Luke Cage would be the same show for Season 2 (and Danny Rand, for that matter).

Daredevil is the only one of the four that really has a decent amount of solo material in the comics.

I think there's a decent chance Luke Cage and Iron Fist will be merged into a Heroes for Hire show in lieu of second seasons for both characters.

And yeah, depending on the long term plans for Jessica and Luke's relationship, it's difficult to imagine them continuing separately.


I think so, too.

It's also much better for Netflix if the Marvel Studios shows-per-year limit is true, as they can produce the shows without those huge gaps of time by having those three characters together. Plus, it matches the comic material exactly, and all their powers are low-cost F/X. They can alternate between Heroes for Hire & Daredevil. Throw Punisher into the mix, and they are already less than one season per year per show ... with 5 characters, each will only get a season about every 3 years.

Here is to hoping they do a Heroes for Hire, with Jessica having her day-to-day issues, like the do in the source material.
