This movie *beep* sucks

You morons wanted this to get Oscar noms for best original screenplay? Best directing, are you wheelchair-bound? Do you guys think good directing is speeding up footage to reaccount for not knowing how to direct action? This movie is absolutely awful, and before you 13 year olds call me a DC-tard or whatever, know that this film, while awful, isn't as bad as BvS or Suicide Squad. But it's like comparing a log of feces (which means poop, to the 6th graders reading this) to a bucket of vomit; both are repulsive but in different ways, and one moreso than the other.

Feel like making a few extra billion dollars without using any effort?
Well, you're in luck! Here's my 20 simple steps on making a Marvel

1. Start with fight scenes

2. Find as many random comic book references as possible and cram them
into the "story"

3. Add as many characters into the "plot" even if it becomes way too

4. Add fight scenes

5. Make the dialog lol-tastic and quirky playful banter, despite being
a "dark" movie

6. Oh wait, the movie is dark again, be sure to make the film go into
dramatic mode, where there are no sound effects except for echoed
"NOOO!"'s and the swelling music

7. Add fight scenes

8. Throw in a few random chuckle-worthy lines. Make sure the music
stops when this happens, letting the audience know that something funny
is being said

9. Make the editing schizophrenic and impossible to see anything,
especially during the fight scenes. This ensures that viewers cant see
anything that's going on during all 5,932 action scenes

10. More fight scenes, plus explosions

11. More comic book references

12. Make it at least 140 minutes in runtime to make it seem more epic

13. Add in yet more characters, this time for the sake of making more
spin offs that will make more spin offs that will make more spin offs
that will make more spin offs that will...

14. Make the directing as obvious as possible, thus eliminating all
suspense or deeper thinking. Remember, your audience is stupid and only
want explosions...

15. Add more explosions to more fight scenes

16. Make the villain a goofy wise ass who exchanges quirky banter with
the characters instead of making it him/her an intimidating foe

17. Throw in a random love arc. DRAMA!!!!!!!

18. Tell your composer to write the most bland score ever

19. Whatever comic book references and characters you have left, no
matter how small or pointless, THROW THEM INTO THE SCRIPT! Just dump
the entire bucket into the pool!

20. Finish with more fight scenes.

There! In just 20 brief steps, you'll make a guaranteed billion
dollars. If you're a DC executive wondering how to make BvS2 or Justice
League reach that big B, just follow this list and you'll be rolling in
the green in no time. No need to worry about a story, plot, or
screenplay, because that crap takes too much time. Instead, just follow
my list to become the next Warren Buffett of quickly-aging cinema. Best
of luck to you, gents!

You kids need to watch real art. Go watch Satantango, Andrei Rublev, or Army Of Shadows.

La religion est fausse, mais vous êtes réel.


I take it you didn't like this movie...



The Movie is good if you like superhero combat.
don't understand why this movie is named captain america: civil war. It could be Iron Man civil War. or better Avengers: Civil War.


Beavers and Ducks!


Even though I love this movie I have to say the best title would've been Marvel's Civil War

"Never tell me the odds!"- Han Solo


Shut up moldy.

"Never tell me the odds!"- Han Solo



Typical 13 year old, accusing anyone with a differing opinion of being a troll alt. Shouldn't you be in school?

La religion est fausse, mais vous êtes réel.


How exactly is the term "Shut up moldy" accusing someone of being a troll. There's clearly no accusation whatsoever in that statement. Did you reply to the wrong post?


OP has a melt down cause people don't like the boring crap he likes, tremors a 10, wow , finger your a hole and taste it, that's your film taste right there.


Over 4000 ratings and 90% of the films he rates are rarely above a 6.

He rates Sam Raimi's Spider Man a 9 and LOTR: ROTK a 2.

I really liked the first Spider Man but it doesn't even lick shoes of Lord of the Rings and Lord of the rings does not deserve 2!.

"Never tell me the odds!"- Han Solo


The second word in your comment is "moron" - do you really wonder why someone might take you for a troll?

(not to mention the "*beeb* sucks" in your thread title)

Objective reviews and intelligently expressed opinions are fine. I for one would never tell you that you should like this or any other film. But honestly if you post something like this thread with the provocative terms you're tossing around you should reasonably expect that people might push back a bit. That's sort of what the Internet is based on (besides porn).

Reading my signature constitutes admission that I am correct. (Too late)


Not getting enough attention, huh?

Well, here's me ignoring you. 

Quidquid Latinae dictum sit, altum viditur.


The funniest thing about this post is you wasted 5 minutes of your life typing that $hit.

IMDB...where negativity and stupidity meet.


I know, although not as much time as me watching CA:CW.

La religion est fausse, mais vous êtes réel.


I've got 1 word for you: MARTHA!

that is the 'depth' of the DCCU!

I fell asleep during INCEPTION BUT I FEEL like I still saw it!


...rated 8 Heads in a Duffel Bag an 8/10.


You morons wanted this to get Oscar noms for best original screenplay?

Did you seen how much complexity and subtlety there was in the script?

This line of dialogue alone is worthy of ten Oscars:


I think this movie is one of MCU's best offerings, yet due to studio control ends up being another piece of fluff.
MCU wants to function as a machine which makes as many generic and safe blockbusters as possible.


You didn't actually watch the film, did you?

If your theater is a space safe from ideas and opinions, you're doing theater wrong.


In his defense, the line at the men's room was exceedingly long and he couldn't leave until he'd serviced everyone.


Does that sorta thing still go on in public? I thought APPS had changed all that!  

- - - - Sci-fi, Batman, & E:FC

- - - - Homage to DW & B7
