MovieChat Forums > Captain America: Civil War (2016) Discussion > Best Action Sequences in any superhero f...

Best Action Sequences in any superhero film EVER!

The Collider Guy's Tweets have me the most excited. I trust those guys. Kristian Harloff just loved it and Schnepp wrote this...

"Just saw CaptainAmerica Civil War!!! Wow! Spider-Man Rocks! Best Action Sequences in any superhero film EVER!" -Jon Schnepp


It also has Lots Of Themes, so we know it's good. 

No, in all seriousness, if the Collider guys like it then that does make me a little more confident.

Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame.


It's not, the last fight in hellboy 2 is still the best action scene in a superhero movie so does fight scenes from the matrix trilogy if you can consider matrix a comic book movie. As for "action" movie, the honor belongs to Rain Redemption and Rain 2.




Most comic book movies have average action sequences that are barely memorable


I don't know, man. There are quite a few scenes that are super memorable.


Honest to God, most of the absolute most memorable scenes this century in film are from comic book based films. At least 80% of them at any rate.


Wait until word of mouth carries this film to unbelievable levels. This is getting better buzz than even Deadpool.


Naturally it's something most fans agree upon.


Todd McCarthy
Hollywood Reporter
October 23, 2016

"An engaging, smartly cast and sporadically eye-popping addition to the studio's bulging portfolio."


k1day hasn't seen any Marvel films since Iron Man 2 apparently. Marvel learned their lesson from that action light movie.


They can conquer who believe they can.


They elaborate more at the start of this Collider Heroes weekly show. Spoiler Free, the confirm how much they all love Civil War and that it more than lives up to all the hype. They say all the good things you have read are true and even beyond.


Truly the best that I've ever seen.


It's safe to say no WB/DC film will ever come close.

"A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man."


The truth is always a safe road to promote. Even if it hurts some people's feelings.


They'll,(Collider or Scmoes) have a non spoiler review up at 2pm PST today.

It's gonna be torture waiting til May 6th with all the reviews coming out plus early reaction from the fan screening this Thursday(?) lol.


John Campea said that he'll go one better and say the action in this film is the best of any movie ever, not just superhero movies.


Hey Jessie!


Uncle Jessie?


How many others can say that?


Certainly not any DCEU film that's for sure.

I accept your surrender.


All the fighting is very visceral and believable. Early on it’s amazing and when it comes to hero vs hero, it bcomes even more so. This is no “scrimmage” or fake fight. The stakes are VERY real and very intense.

This movie puts Cap through a lot and the audience is right there feeling everything with him. It’s an incredible ride and one of the best movies that I have ever seen.
