MovieChat Forums > Captain America: Civil War (2016) Discussion > How do you want to be remembered?

How do you want to be remembered?

After two weeks, all your accounts are no more, and IMDb message boards will exist only in your memory.

So you can choose, before the iceberg hits and the Titanic goes down, if you want to be remembered as someone people enjoyed chatting with, or as someone who couldn't resist an argument or a serving of troll bait.

Choose wisely.

If your theater is a space safe from ideas and opinions, you're doing theater wrong.


Definitely the second one.


Or we can try to get banned in the next two weeks...

If your theater is a space safe from ideas and opinions, you're doing theater wrong.


I rather think there will be an amnesty on banning during the next 2 weeks.


I dunno...I'm currently getting the Red Message when I respond.

If your theater is a space safe from ideas and opinions, you're doing theater wrong.


Man, I was getting disturbed by all the green on my screen everytime I made a post. Then I made a post on the BvS board, and everything was back to normal again.


For what it is worth I've always thought of you as an elder statesman and logical thinker. Someone who paid attention at worthy moments and always had something substantial to say. Hope you join me when I launch a new site: details to come.


IDK if I was noticeable enough to be marked as either a good guy or a bad guy, but I do articulate discussion and don't do trolling, in any form.

Yes, definitely fishing for an invitation... 

(God, I'll miss those emoticons.)

I'm too old for this sh*t...


Hey man, plenty of time for that. I'll make a big post and (mostly) all are welcome.

Content by KeyBrains is copyright protected not to be duplicated without accreditation (KeyBrains)


Just one day after updating my IMDB User-name and changing my signature this happens. 

I'm not giving much thought as to HOW I want to be remembered but I am ruminating on how I want to stay engaged.

I can give you the one thing that even the great Galactus needs!



AGREED! You as well have been a decent & levelheaded person (clearly there aren't enough on here to drown out the insanity!)

I fell asleep during INCEPTION BUT I FEEL like I still saw it!


This is very disappointing. I had some very enjoyable discussions on these boards. I didn't mind having disagreements, but I always tried to be respectful and if responses started to turn ugly, I was content to walk away. It feels as though IMDb is trying to wash their hands of actively moderating forums.


I don't know how I would like to be remembered but I for sure will remember you as a great voice of reason and logic on these boards.

Someone in the crowd will be the one you need to know...


Our accounts will still be there, we just won't be able to post here anymore. There's always user ratings/reviews, those aren't going anywhere...


Take care of yourself Max. It's been a pleasure.




I have changed my name to get away from my copycat. He is going to constantly follow me around and I'm just getting tired of wasting my time.

I have ended my quarrel with wormhole, his copycat and sock accounts.

I have wasted my time enough.

All good things come to an end.


A little from column A, a little from column B. (I'm Swedish - we strive to be "lagom"*. )


Quidquid Latinae dictum sit, altum viditur.


I live to equal parts agitate and preach on movie sites.

I never needed the Internet to have "buddies" but then again I've spent a vast majority of my life in the 20th century pre-Internet.

"A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man."
