MovieChat Forums > Captain America: Civil War (2016) Discussion > since the mess boards are ending...Cap d...

since the mess boards are ending...Cap does not have super powers

He has reached the fullest phyical potencial a human can have.


since the mess boards are ending, I'll just repost what I posted the last 2 times that you posted this:

His strength in the MCU is (IMO) Superhuman and not just 'absolute peak human' (and yes, I'm aware of what the director of the first film has said, but the 'peak human' element can only go so far and to me he's done things that even an absolute utter peak human should not be able to do/survive). I normally don't like using others answers, but the following answer on the following page I think makes excellent points:


the MCU is an amalgamation of 616 universe and 1610 universe and the cap portrayed by chris gets his characteristic traits from 616 universe and his powers from 1610 universe, the evidences are, in the movie Captain America: The Winter Soldier:

1. Right in the first scene after completing his jog, we see Falcon (presumably a peak human or at least above average human in intense conditioning) drenched in sweat and panting like hell, but Steve who completed the circuit in far lesser time and at greater speed didn't sweat a drop or pant a bit, this shows Captain's super human stamina.

2. In the climax fight in one of the drones, after the Winter Soldier got struck under a huge metal beam (which looked like it could weigh at least a ton (2204 pounds)) Steve lifted that beam high and long enough so that Bucky can come out, this shows Captain's super human strength, saying this as MARVEL states the highest possible weight a peak human can lift is 500 kgs (1,110 lbs).

3. Cap got blasted through a bus from a flyover above (3 storey high) at considerably great speed (due to grenade impact on his shield) and he even jumped from the 30th storey of treskilion and landed on streets (but used his shield to cushion the fall but if you can jump from 30th floor with a heavy pillow or shield to cushion and you are still unharmed then fine !) these feats shows cap's super human durability as any other human in the above situation would have simply died due to severe body damage.

4. In the elevator scene Cap got tased multiple times with the stun baton and was being tased continuously for 5 seconds and was still resisting it, whereas humans would get unconscious within a second of contact from a stun baton, super human durability right.

5. In a scene where Falcon was carrying Captain over the air he said "you are heavier than you look" which means due to super soldier serum his bones and muscles got denser and thus heavier, making him heavier than he looks, the end result his body is so many times durable and resilient to damage than human.

6. Right from Captain America 1 to Cap 2 whenever Cap punched or kicked a human they tend to fly several meters away in the air, this shows his super human strength (the kinda strength to send a fully grown man with his equipment several meters away in air with his strike power) and I haven't seen any peak human do that till now.

7. In Captain America: The First Avenger Cap was shown chasing a car across the city and he was keeping his pace with the car and even managed to catch the car, which implies Cap can run at a speed which is somewhere between 37 - 49 miles per hour, and that's a genuine super human speed.

So, again, Cap - in my opinion - is superhuman. Not just peak human


Agent Hill: ...Then aliens invaded New York and were beaten back, by among others, a giant green monster, a costumed hero from the 40's.... and a god.

Agent Ward: I don't think Thor is technically a god.

Hill: haven't been near his arms.

~Agents of SHIELD; Season 1 Episode 1 "Pilot"


1. Falcon is not peak human. Not even olympic level. Roger's stamina is not superhuman. There are humans with stamina just like his, but they don't have Cap's speed. Cap has peak speed with peak stamina. That's why he can run like that.

2. Most steel beams weigh a few hundred pounds. That guy is an idiot who looked at somethin and guessed it weighs 2200 lbs. Way off.

3. Some humans have survived falls of 85 feet and they did it without a vibranium shield.

Need I really go on??? Cap is peak, accept it.


Gonna carry this silly crusade right to the end, huh?


Very true, except that his body metabolizes alcohol so fast he can't get drunk. He can survive being frozen in ice for 70 years. He can survive being shot by an alien laser weapon and a few minutes later show no ill effects. He can run long distances at a faster pace than a sprinter runs a sprint. He can jump out of a plane from several hundred feet in the air and land in the ocean with no harm. He can defeat several large, well trained fighters in a closed space. He can jump out of an elevator from a couple hundred feet, crash into a glass roof and then onto the ground, get up and run away. Can get shot several times, including in the torso, and defeat an enhanced assassin, then take a beating from him, fall into the water, nearly drown, and in a matter of a few days is perfectly fine. Throw a full-grown man twenty or thirty feet with great force. Flip a motorcycle, land squarely on his feet and throw that motorcycle into another vehicle. Rip a large log apart with his bare hands. Fight Ultron to a stand-still. Hold a helicopter down so it can't take off. And on, and on and on.

A better title for your thread would have been, "Since the mess boards are ending - Jimmyberluti1 is still an idiot."


By reaching "peak human potential," a phrase so vague as to be almost meaningless, Cap has, in fact, acquired super powers.

Someone who has reached the apex of what any human being can be would be able to win every event in the Olympics, even the ones for which the intense training regimens contradict each other.

For example, a distance runner is going to train and fuel differently from a sprinter, and a weightlifter will train in an entirely different way. Yet by reaching "peak human potential," Cap would be able to beat all of them at their events.

Now, take a look a some of the combined events like Decathlon: if Cap were to run the Decathlon, he would set world records for every event plus the combined event itself, something that's unheard of. People can be GREAT at Decathlon events but no one can be the world's best at EVERY Decathlon event.

Another problem with "peak human potential" is that it's redefined every time a performance record is broken. At one point, the four-minute-mile was considered a dream that was unlikely to ever be achieved. Now the world record is under 3:45.

Somehow, too, all the traits that Cap is at the "peak" of are desirable ones. He doesn't appear to have "peak mucus production" or "peak hair and nail growth."

In conclusion, he has super powers. They're just called something dumb instead.

If your theater is a space safe from ideas and opinions, you're doing theater wrong.


I go by marvel cannon. When Stan "the man" Lee says Cap is not super powered.....well
"nuf said.
These are action movies,,,What about Bruce Lee leaping 30 feet in the air and staying there for 30 seconds in a fight scene?
I can name numerios action flicks with the Rock or Arnold where they hit guys they go flying 20 feet or so.
We still don't know full human potenial is. Johnny Wiesmuller (Tarzan) was a gold medal winner,,,women swimmers now beat his records.
When ever Cap does something you think is super human you can tell he is straining with all his strength, so if he is super it an't very super.
Batrok a highly trained regular human fighter gave him a tough time.
I do have a problem with the big jumps (falls) but I blame that on hollywood. The big jump he took from shield headquarters can be explained by the glass slowing and his shield being made by vibrainum which can absorb all energy.
I have reciever many private mess. that agree with me.


Since you don't know it's canon and not're disqualified.

Please shoot yourself out of a canon.


Apex is not super. Super is beyond the apex... It's a simple classification, people.


Looks like I am right.


1 person agreeing with you does not necessarily mean you're right.


Agent Hill: ...Then aliens invaded New York and were beaten back, by among others, a giant green monster, a costumed hero from the 40's.... and a god.

Agent Ward: I don't think Thor is technically a god.

Hill: haven't been near his arms.

~Agents of SHIELD; Season 1 Episode 1 "Pilot"


Very true, except that his body metabolizes alcohol so fast he can't get drunk. He can survive being frozen in ice for 70 years. He can survive being shot by an alien laser weapon and a few minutes later show no ill effects. He can run long distances at a faster pace than a sprinter runs a sprint. He can jump out of a plane from several hundred feet in the air and land in the ocean with no harm. He can defeat several large, well trained fighters in a closed space. He can jump out of an elevator from a couple hundred feet, crash into a glass roof and then onto the ground, get up and run away. Can get shot several times, including in the torso, and defeat an enhanced assassin, then take a beating from him, fall into the water, nearly drown, and in a matter of a few days is perfectly fine. Throw a full-grown man twenty or thirty feet with great force. Flip a motorcycle, land squarely on his feet and throw that motorcycle into another vehicle. Rip a large log apart with his bare hands. Fight Ultron to a stand-still. Hold a helicopter down so it can't take off. And on, and on and on.


I go by marvel cannon. When Stan "the man" Lee says Cap is not super powered.....well
"nuf said.
These are action movies,,,What about Bruce Lee leaping 30 feet in the air and staying there for 30 seconds in a fight scene?
I can name numerios action flicks with the Rock or Arnold where they hit guys they go flying 20 feet or so.
We still don't know full human potenial is. Johnny Wiesmuller (Tarzan) was a gold medal winner,,,women swimmers now beat his records.
When ever Cap does something you think is super human you can tell he is straining with all his strength, so if he is super it an't very super.
Batrok a highly trained regular human fighter gave him a tough time.
I do have a problem with the big jumps (falls) but I blame that on hollywood. The big jump he took from shield headquarters can be explained by the glass slowing and his shield being made by vibrainum which can absorb all energy.


Marvel canon has Tony Stark getting captured in Vietnam, Bucky being a young boy, Thor having an alter-ego of Dr. Donald Blake, Hulk being grey to start with and having intellect, Falcon only being able to glide, Vision not having an infinity stone in his head, etc.

Batrok a highly trained regular human fighter gave him a tough time.

Right up until the time Cap decided to stop toying with him and dispatched him 2 seconds later.

I do have a problem

That is obviously. You cannot grasp simple facts that no human, be he/she at peak or apex can survive being frozen in ice for 70 years.

You have to completely ignore that fact for the rest of your BS to hold up. 


I go by marvel cannon. When Stan "the man" Lee says Cap is not super powered.....well
"nuf said.

A. Stan didn't create Cap.

B. Stan's wrong, even based on things he himself wrote for Cap in the comics.

Cap received the "Super Soldier" serum. Any guesses why they used the word "super" to describe it?

Batrok a highly trained regular human fighter gave him a tough time.

He really didn't.

Cap held Batroc off with his shield until Batroc complained that Cap was nothing without his shield. Then Cap put the shield down and took Batroc out with one move.

If your theater is a space safe from ideas and opinions, you're doing theater wrong.


It's not the fact that his abilities are "apex" that makes him super. It's the fact that he's "apex" at everything good, simultaneously, something that contradicts what we know about human physiology.

So while the individual abilities may be peak human, his ability to combine them is super-human and therefore beyond apex.

If your theater is a space safe from ideas and opinions, you're doing theater wrong.


It's all very simple: could Cap have acquired his abilities simply by training, like Daredevil, or did he need the combination of Super Serum and Vita-Rays to bring it out in him?

Here's a hint: he used to be 5'2" tall and weigh 90 lbs.

If your theater is a space safe from ideas and opinions, you're doing theater wrong.
