MovieChat Forums > Captain America: Civil War (2016) Discussion > How to make an MCU movie in 20 easy step...

How to make an MCU movie in 20 easy steps.:Capt A Civil Dispute Edition

1. Start with fight scenes

2. Find as many random comic book references as possible and cram them
into the "story"

3. Add as many characters into the "plot" even if it becomes way too

4. Add fight scenes

5. Make the dialog lol-tastic and quirky playful banter, despite being
a supposedly "dark" movie (per Marvel fans)

6. Oh wait, the movie is dark again, be sure to make the film go into
dramatic mode, where there are no sound effects except for echoed
"NOOO!"'s and the swelling music

7. Add lame fight scenes

8. Throw in a few random chuckle-worthy lines. Make sure the music
stops when this happens, letting the audience know that something funny
is being said

9. Make the editing schizophrenic and impossible to see anything,
especially during the fight scenes. This ensures that viewers cant see
anything that's going on during all 5,932 action scenes

10. More fight scenes, plus explosions

11. More comic book references

12. Make it at least 140 minutes in runtime to make it seem more epic

13. Add in yet more characters, this time for the sake of making more
spin offs that will make more spin offs that will make more spin offs
that will make more spin offs that will...

14. Make the directing as obvious as possible, thus eliminating all
suspense or deeper thinking. Remember, your audience is stupid and only
want explosions...

15. Add more explosions to more fight scenes

16. Make the villain a goofy wise ass who exchanges quirky banter with
the characters instead of making it him/her an intimidating foe

17. Throw in a random love arc. DRAMA!!!!!!!

18. Tell your composer to write the most bland score ever

19. Whatever comic book references and characters you have left, no
matter how small or pointless, THROW THEM INTO THE SCRIPT! Just dump
the entire bucket into the pool!

20. Finish with more fight scenes.





So did you plagiarize from Fragile Art's post, or is that another of your sockpuppets?

If your theater is a space safe from ideas and opinions, you're doing theater wrong.


So did you plagiarize from Fragile Art's post, or is that another of your sockpuppets?

Neither. I happen to agree with Joby on this. I have been a movie critic for over 20 years and it's very sad to see the MCU be given a pass on this lazy formula!


It's a direct copy of what he wrote, so either you're him or you're stealing from him. There is no "neither" option.

Feel free to link us to some of your 20 years of reviews.

If your theater is a space safe from ideas and opinions, you're doing theater wrong.


Funny, my copycat also claims to have been a critic for 20+ years. I smell sock accounts...


Yeah, I just wanted to make sure he had enough rope to hang himself with.

If your theater is a space safe from ideas and opinions, you're doing theater wrong.


Sure thing Mr FX. However right now I am at work in the middle of completing one of my highly anticipated reviews. Surely you must understand. I will follow up and send you a review as soon as I am done. I assure you.


right now I am at work in the middle of completing one of my highly anticipated reviews

No, you're not. Please stop trolling, and also stop making a mockery of my profession.


Why gives you the idea I'm trolling Mr Max? I'm sorry but I don't believe we've met before pleasure to met a fellow film critic. As I told Mr FX I have been in this industry for 23 years and I am merely stating my opinion on film and cinema. I don't see how there was any trolling that statement.


I have been in this industry for 23 years and I am merely stating my opinion on film

Firstly starting that long ago would put you in your 40's minimum, once you factored in finishing school and going to university. You're far too immature to be someone in their 40's, I doubt you are out of your teens. Professional people that age do not troll comic book movie forums because they like one brand of movie over another.

Secondly if you were a professional working as a movie reviewer, you would own a IMDB account older than 9 months. Even if you own another account, then you creating this one purely for trolling which takes us back to the first point again.

Lastly if you were a professional writer you would not need to have copied someone else post, but would have been able to write your own original material.

So just like the movie BvS, what you're saying is abysmal childish nonsense.


He would also be able to write in correct English...


So glad you brave posters decided to call this issue out on the MCU. The MCU fanbase has been attacking and censoring free speech for some time now so be careful.

As true fans of cinema and film we must ensure that real cinema lives on and that this fake cheap imitation known as the MCU!


Do tell: what "real cinema" is the MCU preventing production of?

If your theater is a space safe from ideas and opinions, you're doing theater wrong.


That is an excellent question Mr Desired FX. I'm glad we live in a free country we're we can ask questions.


Ah please forgive me as I've strayed off topic. To answer your question. The MCU is afraid of taking risks! The same old formula has gotten a little stale. Like for example why have we not seen a Rated R MCU film? Sure you can argue thats what the Netflix shows are for, but as a fellow cinema lover surely even you can admit there is no other feeling like seeing a movie on the big screen..rather than being confined to the small TV in the hall..


What's gained by an R Rating? It's just an excuse for blood and nudity, not plot.


That's not his post, dumbass

You said it yourself pal, we're the guardians of the galaxy!


All is fair in love and war.

All-New, All-Different Exterminatrix.


True fans of cinema condemn the DCEU for being boring, stupid, kiddie trash.

True fans of cinema embrace good movies and MCU is the franchise with good movies not DCEU.

"Never tell me the odds!"- Han Solo




What a butthole the OP is. 

The MCU doesn't have any great villains = I can't be bothered to form my own opinions


I'm going to agree with you and say this.

Despite this easy formula Hack Snyder still facks it up big time and manages to create complete and utter trash.

Here's a KISS for Snyder.

Keep It Simple Stupid!


You just summed up BvS perfectly


Mcu stays kiddie


If you're ashamed of comics.


I hope Samyboy will go into mental institution after boards will be eradicate. He really needs to cure his psychosis.


What a shameful thing to say.


See?^ My point.


Shameful, just shameful.


Shameful, just shameful.

I guess retarded does not understand...


What a shameful thing to say.


Someone, please, get this template over to Warner Brothers...STAT.

Their template, as of yet, seems to be:

"How to make a DCEU movie, in 4 easy steps:

1) Throw a bunch of $h!t at the wall.
2) See what sticks.
3) Learn nothing.
4) Repeat."
