u mad u ugly marveltards???

That your beloved forum is closing. Is that makes u mad marvel-turds???

Ha marvel-turds? Yes it does you ugly marvel-turds and i LOVE IT


Ooh ooh! I can play this too!

You mad that you're going to be all alone silly troll? You crying little boy?

Yah u mad all right!


Lol at the butthurt marveltard


Let's not forget how he started around here WAY back before BvS premiered (under his last id, that got nuked because of the comments he made that you've reposted here), that he was at times a MARVEL fan (supposedly) that made these same threads about DC fans (or DC Tards as he likes to call them) and then would switch (at times) to being like he is here and then switch to saying he was a Fox X-Men fan so he could trash both Marvel and DC fans. Then he said he was a Netflix Marvel fan, even though he'd only watched Daredevil.

and then he lied and said it wasn't him and then on the same thread proved it WAS him.

Add into this that he says he's a veteran of the Israeli Defense Force YET he says the things you posted about HITLER of all people.

And then, when he is called out with his own words, he gets his Wonder Woman underoos in a knot and starts crying that people are cyberbullying him.

Which makes sense. That avatar of his is obviously a self-portrait so those tears are his.

Go to boardreader.com, use the advanced filter to look at "U MAD" for the last year on imdb.com and you'll see the threads that since got nuked because he's a hateful, bitter little snowflake.

some of the threads he created?

u still mad marthas?


u mad dc-tads??

i see the dc-tards are still butthurt

hey dc tards tell me why it wasent joker as the main vilian

6.8 now and the dc-tards still delusional

are the dc fanboys still butt-hurt?

you stupid dc-tards needs to get reality check

look dc fans. the ultimate cut dosent make any diffrence

6.8 and keep going down just like it deserve

THAT'S the guy championing DC movies here. And yes, I'm saving THIS post for future reference since the OP (who should never even see this since he swears he has me on ignore...even though he replies a LOT to me) refuses to grow up and learn his lesson.


^ Lol OP is mad I jacked his troll formula.

 So much butthurt! I'll miss you too buddy! :)


So you've had this account for 2 months, and we're supposed to take you serious? Please.

In the kingdom of the blind, you're the village idiot.
