MovieChat Forums > Captain America: Civil War (2016) Discussion > Civil War is one of the best movies that...

Civil War is one of the best movies that I have ever seen!

Why you may ask?

Let's start with the main theme which centers on Cap's internal struggles and Cap's relationships with everyone from previous film. This is indeed a Captain America film and NOT Avengers 2.5. Everyone from Sam Wilson the Falcon to Bucky Barnes to Tony Stark plays a huge role but it's all in relation to Cap being the main focus. Even interaction with Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow and Clint Barton/Hawkeye are important.

Previous films are paid off nicely and it's why even smaller roles are pivotal. This movie stands on its own, but it certainly respects its roots of everything that has made the MCU great. It not only respects it but it quite literally pays off a lot of it but in a natural and even a surprising way. It's not necessary to have seen previous films but it certainly adds to the remarkable depth and the impact of this movie.

The film is really grounded in a believable world that supports the political thriller and psychological thriller aspect, and it's helped by the caliber of the cast involved.

A core theme surrounding Cap is the idea that he once used to represent America and has now become alien to modern thoughts and values due to the passage of time and the events of the Winter Soldier movie. Seeing this level of emotional stakes of this hero's journey is rare and incredibly captivating.

All the fighting is very visceral and believable. Early on it's amazing and when it comes to hero vs hero, it becomes even more so. This is no "scrimmage" or fake fight. The stakes are VERY real and very intense.

The final act breaks all clichés and leaves the Avengers broken. How can this family come together especially knowing the threat that's on the horizon with Thanos.

This movie puts Cap through a lot and the audience is right there feeling everything with him. It's an incredible ride and one of the best movies that I have ever seen.


Absolutely right! Best movie of 2016 so far, by far!


When I saw this movie, all I could think about was how it instantly stacks up to the all-time great films in all categories. As great as movies like Iron Man, Spider-Man 2, X2, Winter Soldier and The Avengers are I think maybe Captain America: Civil War tops them all!

I love the range of emotions and development you experience following Steve Rogers AND Tony Stark through this film and its trials. Add Black Panther’s side take/agenda and everything plays as complex and compelling. From beginning to end of the film, you grow to relate with, doubt and also admire them all. This movie plays with your emotions as well as with your mind. This movie is not all about superpowers and superpowered battles (even though it delivers that in spades) but it’s about relatable pathos and depth of character. It all works remarkably well as they humanize everything and draw you in to the story. This is not just a good comic book movie. It's a great movie period.

The complexity, depth, heart, emotion and action are off the charts. I honestly can't believe we’re going to see a better movie for a very long time to come. I totally agree with most of the film critics who raved about it.

I accept your surrender.


I agree with a lot of what you said (with the exception of the stakes) but I don't think it's one of the best of all time. To me, it's not even in the top 3 of the year (it's #4 on my list).

Have you seen many movies? Not trying to put your opinion down, just asking.


Marvel is fantastic, go away.


What have I done? I didn't mean to offend you or offend the OP in any way. If I did, I sincerely apologize.


All I know is that people on IMDB can be way too easy rattled. Oversensitive is a millennial trait methinks.


This from the fizzy drinks guzzling toddler lol.


Best action movie since they added sound to the moving pictures!

"A noble spirit embiggens the smallest man."


According to the New York Times, Trump has decided to stock his kitchen with Lay's potato chips (which isn't a huge surprise, since it was his snack of choice on his private plane, as well).

"Life goes by pretty fast. If you don't stop to look around once in a while, you could miss it."


I agree. This movie was fundamentally about Steve. Second was his relationship with Bucky. Tony and the Accords wove in and out after that. And the rest of the Avenger were side line touches, but effective. So, we got all this involvement of people but a very personal story.


Civil War is literally one of the top 40 movies ever made. I'm completely 100% serious. It's that good.

I accept your surrender.


I have to boldly say that I love this movie as much as any I've seen and that includes the legendary classics like Casablanca and The Godfather. All warm my heart.


Greatest CBM and Best superhero movie of all time. My personal fav blockbuster. In my top 10 movies ever. Best trilogy, best third movie.

Content by KeyBrains is copyright protected not to be duplicated without accreditation (KeyBrains)


Greatest CBM and Best superhero movie of all time. My personal fav blockbuster. In my top 10 movies ever. Best trilogy, best third movie.

Content by KeyBrains is copyright protected not to be duplicated without accreditation (KeyBrains)

