MovieChat Forums > Captain America: Civil War (2016) Discussion > "Let's hear it for Captain America!"

"Let's hear it for Captain America!"

This movie stands above any other comic book film because it combines all the elements that make a film great. It's smart, well written, shot flawlessly with the best action imaginable, has superb performances, top notch effects and plot twists and turns that keep a viewer guessing and on the edge of the seat.

The best movie of the year because it remembers what the cinema is for...SMART ENTERTAINMENT. It never wants to insult intelligence like other big budget movies usually do (and some have already done so this very year). Civil War is smart but fun and thrilling. THAT is what the cinema is for and to quote the first film..."Let’s hear it for Captain America!" Ah Bucky, you have come so far since that film!


Great to hear:)


No question about it. Captain America holds the title of best trilogy of all-time.

Cinema history has been made this week and we are all fortunate enough to be part of it and to witness history.


Not in the world where LOTR trilogy still exists. Even here on IMDB CW's 8.2 is not even close to LOTR's numbers.


As much as I love LotR, the end of the Return of the King always feels like filler to me.


Return of the King has nothing on these three films.


And by end, you mean about the last half of the film.


Yes, that's what I meant.


Ho daaaaaaaaaaaamn!


And a quick $800 million at the box office is more reason to cheer.


Captain America: Civil War is pure magic, a perfect mix of old school dazzle and good old-fashioned charisma. Marvel-ous! This movie, more than any other transcends the "super hero" genre... it’s a true thriller that hits above everything else the genre has ever produced.


This movie stands above any other comic book film because it combines all the elements that make a film great.

Spider-Man and Iron Man?


And it being nearly September only drives it home. This is still the best movie released in all of 2016 regardless of the genre.


Pretty much. I hope Marvel continues with telling stories that can be downright serious at times but also fun when they need to be.


There's just so much awesome crammed into this movie! It ranks ahead of THE FIRST AVENGER, which I greatly enjoyed. It might even be better than CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE WINTER SOLDIER at that movie did everything right.

CIVIL WAR is very much like THE AVENGERS in that it left me wanting to watch it again as soon as it finished. CIVIL WAR is a triumph on every level... I can't imagine a more rewarding mainstream blockbuster coming out this year.

It’s without a doubt the best movie we’ve seen so far in 2016.
